Mike Wheatley
Latest from Mike Wheatley
Barnes & Noble Sells Its Soul, Brings Google Play To The Nook
Barnes & Noble has given up the ghost at long last, abandoning its Amazon-style, Lone Ranger strategy by finally welcoming Google Play and the thousands of apps it brings to its line of Nook tablets. “We’re offering customers even more great entertainment on our award-winning tablets,” said Barnes & Noble CEO William Lynch. “Now, with ...
US Military Contractor Hacked: Secrets Served Up On A Platter
A key US Military contractor’s confidential research data was exposed to hackers sponsored by the Chinese military for more than three years, in what is just the latest in a string of high-profile cyberespionage scandals. The claims, reported by Bloomberg yesterday, revealed that the hackers gained unrestricted access to hundreds of classified and highly-sensitive military ...
Bring Your Own Device, or You’re Fired!
Sick and tired of lugging around that boring old, work-issued laptop day after day? Well, if you are, don’t sweat it, for the chances are that you won’t be required to do so for much longer, not if Gartner’s latest prediction comes true anyhow. According to a new global survey of CIOs by the industry ...
Lenovo & IBM Are Done Talking as x86 Server Negotiations Break Down
Negotiations between IBM and Lenovo over the sale of the former’s x86 server business have apparently come to an abrupt halt, with reports suggesting that the two parties have failed to agree on a price. The Wall Street Journal reports that talks have broken down due to “valuation concerns”, though it states that the two ...
Microsoft’s Project Mohoro Set To Deliver Windows 8 “Desktop-as-a-Service”
It’s no secret that Microsoft is dissatisfied with the reception of Windows 8, and to rectify that Redmond’s designers have been planning to introduce some big changes with the up-and-coming “Windows Blue” update later this year. Windows Blue is rumored to contain a number of new features, including extended menus in ‘Metro mode’ and the ...
AWS Ecosystem Beefs Up Security, but What About Compliance?
At this week’s Amazon AWS 2013 summit, the message was received loud and clear that the cloud is heading for the enterprise in a big, big way. The transition is going to be disruptive one for sure, but as Chris Archinaco of Avere Systems told us on theCUBE this week, enterprise customers are rapidly beginning ...
Can Haswell Give the Chromebook a New Lease of Life?
If there’s one thing that Google’s luxury Chromebook Pixel and the rest of the low-priced Chromebooks have in common – besides the fact that they share the same operating system – it’s got to be the oh-so disappointing battery life. The Pixel, which sells for a somewhat inflated $1,200 a shot, generally ekes out around ...
Could This Be a Solution to the Big Data Enigma?
While enterprises are suffering headaches from managing and harvesting their own Big Data sets, they’ve probably forgotten there’s a whole ocean of it out there, in the form of free public data that’s accessible to one and all. What’s more, this publicly available data often provides just as many useful insights, if not more so, ...
Privacy Concerns: Who’s Got Your Back?
What with all of the fuss about the recently rejected CISPA bill, which would have given authorities the right to demand user information from web companies without notifying the individual’s concerned, more than a few people will be on heightened alert about their privacy. As such, they might just be interested to know which web ...
Africa Jumps Aboard the Big Data Bus
Smartphones have become pretty popular these days (to put it lightly), and aside from the obvious benefits they provide, the data that trickles out of them has been able to benefit us in all kinds of different ways. Whether its easing traffic jams in our cities or helping to eradicate heart disease, smartphones do an ...