Mike Wheatley
Latest from Mike Wheatley
How To Sidestep The WordPress Botnet Hack
If you happen to use WordPress to host your company website or blog, then you’ll probably be worried by news that the ecosystem is currently facing its worst ever coordinated brute force attack, as hackers attempt to gain control of WordPress blogs using a 90,000 strong botnet. The attack has been ongoing since last Thursday ...
Bitcoin Myth Busted: Mining is Not an Environmental Disaster, Here’s Why
Bitcoin has had more than its fair share of headlines over the past couple of weeks, with stories of bubbles about to burst, exchanges shutting down and new ones opening up for business. To be sure, there’s an awful lot of sensationalism right now as the cryptocurrency draws more attention and tech geeks like myself ...
Transforming Big Data into “Smart Data”: Don’t Ignore the Archives
Big Data is the biggest buzz word in IT these days, rapidly becoming the must-have tech for every organization and enterprise worth its salt. But with everyone rushing to get their Big Data strategies off the ground, a lot of CIOs have dived in headlong without even working out how to get the best from ...
Hacker Says Android App Can Hijack Airplanes
Imagine the kind of devastation that terrorists could cause if they were able to remotely hijack an airplane using something as simple as an Android app? With just a few taps on the screen, hackers could gain control of an aircraft and remotely alter its course. The consequences of this happening simply don’t bear thinking ...
Big Data Declares War on Genocide
Back in 1945, when Allied forces finally overrun Nazi Germany and the full horror of the Holocaust was revealed, the leaders of the world’s democracies vowed that genocide on this kind of scale would never happen again. What hollow words they were. Since then, we’ve witnessed at least half a dozen more genocides where over ...
Bing Malware Five Times More Common than Google
Just how safe is the search engine you normally use? Most people probably don’t care all that much, simply because most people always use Google, and if you can’t trust them to keep you safe, who the hell can you trust? Well, most definitely not Bing, and absolutely not the Russian search engine Yandex, if ...
Google Death Panel Lets Us “Kill” Our Data after We Die
With privacy a common concern among internet users today, a great many of us are sticklers for keeping control of our data across our online accounts. But what happens to all that data once you’re dead? That’s the question that Google is attempting to address with its new “data after death” management tool, the Inactive ...
PC Sales Suffer Worst Slump In History, Bring On The Doom-Mongers
The poor old PC is suffering from a terminal decline, with the chances of it making a recovery looking slimmer by the minute as a new generation of mobile tablet devices drastically alters the technology landscape. As if to illustrate that point, research firm IDC has just published its latest quarterly report, showing that the ...