Molly Sassmann

Latest from Molly Sassmann

Breaking Analysis: Oracle’s Latest Upgrades Pose Potential Cost and Vendor Lock-In Problems

Oracle is moving forward with the next generation of its NoSQL technology, announcing the second release of its NoSQL database earlier this week. The upgrade includes some new features around management and administration, such as auto-rebouncing, a web-based management tool, and some new APIs to tie in other applications. Now that Oracle fully comprehends how ...

Breaking Analysis: Nokia Nosedives into Second Place Globally, Ends 14-Year Streak of Being #1

Nokia’s reign in the global cellphone business will come to a close at the end of 2012. For the first time since 1998, Nokia will not be in the number one position in the global cellphone market. Who’s the newly crowned king? That would be Samsung staking its claim to the throne. SiliconANGLE Contributing Editor ...

Breaking Analysis: Samsung Drops UK Lawsuits Against Apple, Gains Victory in U.S. Litigation

Samsung announced today that it will drop lawsuits against Apple for standards-essential patent infringement in Germany, the UK, France, Italy and the Netherlands. The South Korea based manufacturer issued a statement to The Verge, which said: ” . . . we strongly believe it is better when companies compete fairly in the marketplace, rather than ...

Breaking Analysis: Ballmer Unlikely to Be Booted for Bad Windows 8

Microsoft is banking on Windows 8 to carry them into the mobile scene. So far there have been mixed reports on the success of the Windows RT tablet and only 40 million installs of Windows 8 software. Not only is Microsoft as a company trying desperately to keep up with all of the Apple innovations ...

Breaking Analysis: Surface RT Availability Expands, Microsoft & Apple Feuding over Revenue Sharing

Microsoft has announced plans to make the Surface RT tablet available at additional retailers as early as mid-December. It has also announced the extension of the Microsoft holiday stores, including the transition of several of the stores into permanent Microsoft retail outlets. SiliconANGLE Contributing Editor John Casaretto attributed these announcements to Microsoft wanting to have ...

Breaking Analysis: School Shooting Funerals Attract Protesters, Undeterred by Anonymous

The hacker group Anonymous is back in action. This time they have launched an attack against the controversial Westboro Baptist Church, who have announced plans to picket the funerals of those lost in the tragic Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. SiliconANGLE Contributing Editor John Casaretto described Westboro Baptist Church as having a lot ...

Breaking Analysis: Early Christmas for Device Makers, Sprint Pursues Remainder of Clearwire

Yesterday, Morning NewsDesk Host Kristin Feledy reported on many of the key mobile device makers, including Apple, Samsung and RIM, joining forces and sending a letter to Congress, pleading for more airwaves to accommodate the rapidly growing numbers of smartphones and tablets. They said Congress should encourage federal users to “become more efficient, to share ...

Breaking Analysis: Dell Gets Serious About the Enterprise, Committed to PC Business

The Dell World 2012 Conference kicked off Tuesday, December 11, at the Austin Convention Center in Austin, Texas and runs through the end of the day today. Wikibon Chief Analyst Dave Vellante observed how much the conference has grown since last year and how the focus at this year’s event is solutions and the customer. ...

Breaking Analysis: EMC Drives More Momentum Behind OpenStack, Juniper Pockets Contrail for $176M

A major player in storage has finally joined the ranks of the OpenStack open-source cloud effort. Yesterday, EMC was listed as a corporate sponsor of OpenStack. EMC global marketing CTO Chuck Hollis announced their support for OpenStack in a blog post on Tuesday, stating that OpenStack has “matured into a serious enterprise operating environment.” Wikibon ...

Breaking Analysis: Jibe Mobile Wants to Joyn with Carriers, Grokr vs Siri, Airwaves for Sale?

  Jibe Mobile is banking on mobile video chat to become an integrated feature of other apps. The CEO of Jibe Mobile, Amir Sarhangi, said that the days of old school calling or texting someone, even on a cell phone, are coming to an end. SiliconANGLE News Desk Editor Kristen Nicole agrees with his statement. ...