Nelson Williams

Nelson is a beat writer for SiliconANGLE's premier video production team theCUBE. He covers theCUBE events worldwide, spanning expert commentary on the hottest trends in IT.

Latest from Nelson Williams

Leveling the playing field with agile development and digital delivery | #DellEMCWorld

Established businesses are in danger. Traditionally, large companies have been protected by barriers to entry and the difficulty of establishing a customer network. This is no longer the case. New technology allows small startups to reach out to customers across the world in an instant. Industry-changing products can be designed and built in dorm rooms. ...

How Dell EMC is gaining markets with a wide portfolio | #DellEMCWorld

In today’s tech market, there is no one company that can do it all. While some vendors offer end-to-end solutions, usually that’s just to solve a particular problem. Given that customers have a wide range of needs, it takes a broad portfolio to meet all their concerns. This portfolio must also involve partners who can take ...

Developing new use cases with the Internet of Things | #DellEMCWorld

The truth is, businesses are blind to the world. While a company does what it can with evaluations, metrics, surveys and the like, these techniques only reveal so much information. They also take time. The Internet of Things is poised to change all that. Collecting data from hundreds, if not thousands, of sensors opens the ...

Inside the life of a data scientist | #DataFirst

Data science is a new field in the world of big data, but already the signs point toward great things for this young discipline. More so than ever before, data is the lifeblood of business, and those who can draw value from that data are seeing a great demand for their talents. To gain some ...

Moving the stack out of the way and putting data to work | #DataFirst

Big data and data science are becoming defining features of the business landscape. However, like any new area of technology, there are some rough edges. Data science, especially, suffers from a skill gap and shortage of talent, while big data is burdened with some arcane tools that are difficult to use. Solving these problems with ...

Organizations reposition toward security and automation | #NXTWORK

As networks grow more important to modern business, so too must change the priorities of those who provide network solutions. Security and cloud services are coming into focus as a major concern for any company that does their business in the digital world. In response, tech companies have moved to integrate their products with these ...

Expanding new views on security with network transparency | #NXTWORK

If data is king, then cybersecurity is the royal guard. In this world of viruses and ransomware, data must be protected or a company can lose its most vital assets in a single attack. This has created an arms race between security researchers and the dark minions of evil across the Internet. New views on ...

Data 3.0: Empowering enterprise by bringing data to the center | #BigDataNYC

Business has a relationship with information. The modern world of data has only enhanced that relationship, allowing businesses to learn more and see further. As the digital revolution continues, data is becoming the key to business success. As this data moves closer to the center of business, the tools used to manage, understand and present ...

Creating new tools to bring together the data science community | #BigDataNYC

Data science is a land with strange and shifting borders. It’s hard to say what makes a data scientist, as the skills required vary from one project, and one company, to the next. Further, the tools and technology involved are changing as quickly as anything else in the computer world. Bringing some definition and stability ...

Can machine learning and automation help solve the cybersecurity problem? | #splunkconf16

It’s important for modern business to collect data, but doing the right things with that data is critical. Not only must a business draw value from its information, its must also protect it. Whatever data is worth to a company, some evil mastermind across the Internet has an even more profitable idea for it. Security is just ...