Nelson Williams
Latest from Nelson Williams
Bridging the last mile for security and analytics | #splunkconf16
The modern business collects and crunches data to inform executive decisions. Data, though, is useful throughout the organization, not just at the top. As new ways to process and interpret data come about, use cases that once were just dreams are becoming reality. One of the bigger opportunities in this area is how data can ...
Panelists reveal how to clear the murky waters of the data science world | #BigDataNYC
The data science world is a strange place. No one is entirely sure what data science means or what data scientists should do. People come to the field with different skills and a wide variety of experiences. In fact, the field requires such a broad array of skills that it’s better suited to teams than ...
Key benefits of working with a data tech partner | #BigDataNYC
Most businesses have better things to do than mess around with technology. While it’s true that data and technology are transforming every aspect of business, the average company simply doesn’t have the people or the expertise to upgrade their infrastructure to the latest and greatest. That’s when it’s time to reach out to a partner ...
The joy of going software-defined across compute and storage systems | #IBMEdge
The workload of the past is not the workload of the future. Modern business needs more computing, done more quickly, than ever before. That means where a company might have run one storage node in the ancient days, now they’re running a dozen, or a hundred. Coordinating and scheduling workloads across that kind of system ...
Experts give insight into the sudden rise of databases | #IBMEdge
If data is the lifeblood of business, then databases are the beating heart. Data must be efficiently cataloged, stored and made available for queries to be of any use; databases perform this function. As the tech world has seen a rise in uses for data, so too has the database world discovered new technologies and ...
Building businesses out of open-source solutions | #IBMedge
The open-source movement is taking over business software. There are benefits; open source is usually less expensive, it’s easy to add on functionality and there’s a community to draw on. The trick, though, is making a business out of open-source solutions. One such business is Rackspace, Inc., a managed cloud computing company. To gain some ...
The art of tracking diamonds through the blockchain | #IBMEdge
The crypto currency Bitcoin is in the news these days, but the real innovation is Bitcoin’s other half, the blockchain. A blockchain is a sort of distributed recording device, a ledger that is held on many computers so that it cannot easily be forged or altered. This blockchain ledger is a powerful way to bring ...
How IBM mixes analytics with blockchain to secure IoT systems | #IBMEdge
In business, there is a necessary element of trust. How does a company know its supplier is providing the right goods? What about invoices being received and paid? In this Internet Age, how does a company know the real identity of the person with whom they’re conversing? These are all questions of trust, and the easiest ...
AI trends: More tech taking on world’s biggest problems | #IBMedge
Technology is a strange beast. Everyone is trying to build smaller, faster and quicker, but technology also has the power to transform huge swathes of the human experience. Many companies develop for a niche market, but the world is a big place with big problems. Tiny applets and world-changing technology revolutions come from the same ...