Nelson Williams

Nelson is a beat writer for SiliconANGLE's premier video production team theCUBE. He covers theCUBE events worldwide, spanning expert commentary on the hottest trends in IT.

Latest from Nelson Williams

HP’s ‘startup’ DNA | #HPBigData2015

Most companies in the tech world know that managing the digital transformation is key to surviving the challenges of the future. However, few businesses know exactly what to do or have the people ready to make the transformation happen. Industry giant Hewlett-Packard Co. has recently made a number of moves to position itself as a partner ...

Uncovering the needs of IT customers in the new digital landscape | #HPBigData2015

Finding customers in the changing landscape of the IT world can be a real challenge for businesses. Understanding the needs of these potential clients has become just as important as the technology a company offers. To find some insight into the nature of the customer market, John Furrier and Dave Vellante of theCUBE, SiliconANGLE’s Media ...

It’s hard to go digital: Report reveals new business challenges

Business transformation for the Digital Era is a major topic of conversation throughout the tech business community. Recently, Headspring conducted a survey of 258 business leaders and employees to find out just what the digital transformation means for companies and the people involved. The findings of the Headspring survey, combined with a discussion hosted by ...

Infonomics key to measuring data quality | #MITCDOIQ

Successful digital businesses know that it’s important to collect and manage their Big Data needs, but how do they separate the vital data from the incidental? To share some insight on this subject, Doug Laney, research VP and analyst at Gartner, Inc., and Cortnie Abercrombie, emerging roles and markets leader at IBM, joined Dave Vellante ...

Chief Data Officers bring the enterprise into the digital domain | #MITCDOIQ

As data becomes more important to businesses, they have created new ways to control and manage it. These policies fall on the shoulders of a new business role, the Chief Data Officer (CDO). To help bring this role into focus, Michael Andrud, chief data officer at PNC Financial Services, sat down with Wikibon Chief Analyst ...

Is metadata the key to solving today’s data problems? | #MITCDOIQ

Big Data is the big idea in the tech industry these days, but all that data is worthless if a business can’t manage it. The task of wrangling information falls to companies like Global IDs, who help big businesses extract value from their Big Data. Arka Mukherjee, founder and CEO of Global IDs, joined Dave ...

Accessing the fruits of Big Data: The Fusion Alliance | #MITCDOIQ

The state of business today demands that companies have access to the fruits of Big Data, but not every company can manage the digital transformation on their own. That’s where Fusion Alliance steps in to help businesses get control of their Big Data needs. To explain a little bit about Fusion Alliance and what they ...

Industry responds to Oracle’s single-source Cloud solution | #OraclePaaS

Oracle Corp. has taken a bold move in the Cloud space by integrating platform, software and infrastructure into one whole, with the promise that customers can now move to the Cloud and back again simply by pushing a button. This recent Oracle announcement adds a Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering to their Software as ...

Defining the digital business journey | #IBMDigitalBiz

What does it take to be a truly digital business? What does digital business mean to your customers and your company? Answering these questions might prove key to competing in this new online world. On July 14th, IBM Big Data hosted an online discussion through the CrowdChat website on the topic of “steps along the ...

Docker boosts productivity with a common platform | #DockerCon

Docker is an open platform for building, shipping and running applications, and it includes common tools for taking advantage of networked and distributed applications. Stu Miniman and Jeff Frick of theCUBE spoke to Patrick Chanezon, a member of the Docker, Inc. technical staff, at DockerCon 2015 to explore the importance of this new platform. The interview ...