R. Danes

R. Danes is a senior writer for theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media’s mobile livestreaming studio, who is based on the East Coast. Her fondness for old media and longform journalism converges with an interest in new media and digital content trends. Exploring digital disruption in the realm of publications, articles and writing led her to writing articles about digital disruption everywhere. Find R. Danes on Twitter @DanesRd. Got a news tip? Please tweet us @siliconangle.

Latest from R. Danes

Ecosystem 2.0: Can VMware’s ‘partnering tornado’ sweep customers to success? | #WomenInTech

As IT sprawl looms, some companies are tightening bonds within their ecosystems with the goal of helping customers reign it all in. Multi-cloud and inter-cloud environments are trending, and they require concerted efforts by multiple players to perform complex tasks. This growing body of partners and vendors will require customer feedback for crucial intelligence on ...

Double duty: Meet the resellers who actually understand your business problem | #VMworld

The pipeline from a new technology to a buying customer can be fraught by a kind of language barrier, with technological jargon failing to translate to the business person. The middlemen or resellers have not always been helpful in implementing the technologies they sell. Some companies are now working to turn their ecosystem players into ...

Cloud a la carte: What if you could get all the cloud services you need from a storage vendor? | #VMworld

Specialty IT vendors are no doubt feeling the heat from the exploding cloud infrastructure world. After all, why would a business want to purchase a jumble of IT separately when they could get it all in one neat cloud package that is managed for them to boot? But an equally interesting question is, why would ...

The scalability imperative: How to keep business growth in the Digital Age from choking your IT | #VMworld

Now that, as experts forecast, every business must become an IT business, radical growth presents a double-edged sword. While great for your bottom line, it may present a quagmire to your IT team. How will existing systems handle the new demands, the data influx, the storage requirements? To avoid that “snake swallowing a basketball” feeling, ...

Want the fastest storage? Stop thinking media and start thinking architecture | #VMworld

If there is one area of IT where an objective opinion is needed, it might be storage. The disk versus flash battle is raging, and conflicting advice is not hard to come by. The flash guy says that no disk storage will ever be as fast as flash; then the disk company rep counters that ...

VMware Act II: NSX takes center stage while older tech matures behind the scenes | #VMworld

With the array of dazzling software hitting the market, it’s easy to get bored with older companies that deal in the nuts and bolts — until something burns out, malfunctions or allows a security breach. Then you remember that your flashy new application falls through the floor without rock-solid infrastructure. Luckily, not everyone is aspiring ...

Is it time to stop making excuses and go hyper-converged? | #VMworld

IT vendors are coming out with simpler, more user-friendly infrastructure solutions everyday. But despite its occasional hiccups, your trusty old infrastructure is still easier to manage than the implementation of some fancy new system — right? Wrong, according to some professionals who say that chucking their old, high-maintenance systems in favor of new hyper-converged infrastructure ...

Disk, flash and NVMe: Three things you didn’t know about three storage types | #VMworld

Ever since flash took the storage world by storm, people have been watching this space as a hotbed of disruption. There has been all sorts of speculation about what technology will jump out next and overtake flash — all this while disks are still blissfully spinning on racks all over the world. Let’s have some ...

How one company finally found its storage unicorn | #VMworld

The modern enterprise wants to collect data, as much data as possible. Where large data stores used to be seen as something you needed to dispose of, in this new era of Big Data value, companies are seeing data as an asset. The problem with all this is you need a place to store that ...

Will all your cloud efforts come to naught without best-in-class storage? | #VMworld

The be-all and end-all product or service that does everything at the click of a button seems to be the Holy Grail for enterprises these days. “Converged” is a hot term; “hyper-converged” is hotter. Did someone say, “Turnkey?” Well, there are some folks in the industry who have bad news for instant gratification seekers: One-size-fits-all ...