R. Danes

R. Danes is a senior writer for theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media’s mobile livestreaming studio, who is based on the East Coast. Her fondness for old media and longform journalism converges with an interest in new media and digital content trends. Exploring digital disruption in the realm of publications, articles and writing led her to writing articles about digital disruption everywhere. Find R. Danes on Twitter @DanesRd. Got a news tip? Please tweet us @siliconangle.

Latest from R. Danes

What giveth taketh away: Retail tech innovation might be bad for Amazon | #Inforum16

According to some analysts, there is a 20-year cycle of change in retail: Every two decades some new technology or invention enters the scene and shifts the paradigm. Last time around, it was the rise of e-commerce giants like Amazon. Interestingly, this cycle could see the small physical stores that took a huge hit last ...

Is your benchmarking comparing apples to oranges? | #Inforum16

The Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) has been around for a long time in various forms. Market competitors have always sought the gray area in which they could mimic a successful company’s formula without violating patent or copyright laws. Big Data has analysts excited about the future, with some believing that CMAs will hit new highs ...

Why is this tech company hiring doctors instead of developers? | #Inforum16

In earlier days of computing technology, consumers and enterprises who bought products knew what they did, but not so much how they did it. They knew they could streamline work processes and increase productivity, facilitate communication among employees, etc. — but most didn’t know a client from a server or a SAN from a LAN. ...

Is the ’boutiquing’ of large companies the next trend in IT? | #Inforum16

Is getting acquired always just code for selling out? Are you just handing over your business to a big, faceless conglomerate so it can strip-mine your assets and toss your unique approach and branding in the dustbin? At the least, most deep-pocketed companies will want to remake acquisitions in their own image — at IBM, they ...

It takes a village: Can many hands make light work of your move to cloud? | #Inforum16

A whole slew of solutions providers have cropped up to help companies make the sometimes daunting transition to an all-cloud infrastructure. In the tradition of good, old American capitalism, their sales pitches have consisted of loudly touting their own advantages and claiming themselves superior to the competition. One company has taken a different tack, claiming ...

New York state of mind: Redesigning the startup Big Apple style| #Inforum16

The current wisdom conferred to startups by IT gurus is: If you want to be successful, don’t try to read customers’ minds; get your product to market and lap up every ounce of feedback to make version 2.0 better, faster, stronger. The “land-and-expand” model is undoubtedly a winning strategy for most Silicon Valley startups. But ...

Are you a data scientist? This company says you are | #HS16SJ

We all know that Big Data is big for a reason: It takes a very large amount of data for an analytics tool to produce actionable intelligence. The problem is that when time is of the essence — and it usually is — extracting, cleansing and preparing data can take too long, allowing the window ...

‘It’s not a Hadoop-only world’: Casting a wider data net | #HS16SJ

Data keeps growing, and data science and application grow with it as do their complexity. Companies trying to get value from data can feel like they’re playing a catch-up game where they never quite capture what they’re after. This is why partnering among vendors is growing as they find that many hands make lighter work. ...

Do you spend more time solving vendor problems than business problems? | #HS16SJ

How many times have you heard a VP or CTO of a technology company say they’re “business solutions” providers not product pushers? If that’s true, why are there so many different answers to the same question? If company X really has the best technology for a job, why does company Y insist that they do as ...

Open vs. Open Source: How one proprietary company utilizes Hadoop open-source software | #HS16SJ

As open-source continues to expand, it’s interesting to see how proprietary companies capitalize on it to offer products and services to customers. These vendors are the bottled water of IT. Yeah, customers could trek through the woods to the spring, but it’s so much simpler to pay for the product packaged by someone else. “We ...