R. Danes

R. Danes is a senior writer for theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media’s mobile livestreaming studio, who is based on the East Coast. Her fondness for old media and longform journalism converges with an interest in new media and digital content trends. Exploring digital disruption in the realm of publications, articles and writing led her to writing articles about digital disruption everywhere. Find R. Danes on Twitter @DanesRd. Got a news tip? Please tweet us @siliconangle.

Latest from R. Danes

The race to revenue: How will Docker pull ahead in profitability? | #DockerCon

Open source can be a great avenue through which to enter the IT stage. If the first protocol of developing a fantastic tool is “Get it to market,” open source easily provides the fastest route. The user feedback is like a massive pool of developers and engineers pointing out bugs and polishing features for you ...

Can this company give storage the legs it needs in the Big Data era? | #DockerCon

Just when you think something in IT is stable or static, the winds of change blow in and shake things up. Just a few years ago, people in the industry said that storage was stable, because businesses were scared to mess around with it or move it around. Then Big Data and cloud catalyzed both ...

Two sides of the coin: Docker’s ‘coopetition’ ecosystem | #DockerCon

A relationship that is equal parts competition and cooperation is tenuous enough when the companies involved both have established identities and know where they stand. When the commodity or technology in question is in its infancy, the relationship could morph into something else at any moment. Container technologies are white hot but still quite new, ...

The next frontier: Lenovo’s strategy for navigating the networking unknown | #LenovoTechWorld

Disaggregating is a big theme in IT these days. Some companies are moving the bulk of their data centers off-prem. It all amounts to a lot of dots to connect in order to keep things running smoothly. This is why some see networking as the next area of IT ripe for disruption and innovation. “You ...

Are we approaching virtualization of the entire data center? | #LenovoTechWorld

In IT, there are right ways and wrong ways to partner. Beware the “Barney partnership” — a figurative handshake between companies that doesn’t actually produce anything. For “coopetition” to be productive, it needs to be more than a truce between companies — they need to be actively invested in each others’ success. Brian Connors, VP ...

Blurred lines: A consumer tech company’s venture into enterprise | #LenovoTechWorld

SAP SE’s partnership with Apple generated a lot of buzz about how the companies were going to bring the experience Apple consumers know and love to the enterprise space. Indeed, there is clearly a melding of the consumer and enterprise tech worlds taking place. Now Lenovo Group Ltd., a large established company most famous for ...

HPE’s shortcut to market dominance: Merging and partnering | #HPEdiscover

As companies’ infrastructures grow larger and more complex, their needs also grow and diversify. On-prem, off-prem, public, private, hybrid, as-a-service, or in the hardware — it’s tough for one IT provider to meet all the demands without a smart partnering strategy. In fact, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co.’s (HPE) sees partnering as the fastest route to ...

Will Spark’s continuous app innovation eclipse other data tools? | #SparkSummit

Spark 2.0 and continuous application technology are making waves in the industry. It seems to solve so many data problems in one throw that some are questioning how other data players will compete. John Walls and George Gilbert (@ggilbert41), cohosts of theCUBE, from the SiliconANGLE Media team, spoke about the excitement around the innovation at the Spark Summit ...

A two-way street: The better data-better data app feedback loop | #SparkSummit

Continuous data applications are generating a lot of buzz for their ability to move and shift along with real-time data flows. But it’s not just what the application can do for your data; it’s what the data can do for your application. The best thing about these new apps is that you don’t have to ...

Beyond batch with Spark 2.0: The new continuous data application | #SparkSummit

Building the perfect data application is tricky business. Long hours are spent figuring out what data to use, wrangling and aggregating, writing code — and then new, perhaps contradictory, data arrives upsetting the model at its foundation. The fluctuating nature of data requires applications that are similarly changeable. Michael Armbrust, software engineer and lead developer ...