R. Danes

R. Danes is a senior writer for theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media’s mobile livestreaming studio, who is based on the East Coast. Her fondness for old media and longform journalism converges with an interest in new media and digital content trends. Exploring digital disruption in the realm of publications, articles and writing led her to writing articles about digital disruption everywhere. Find R. Danes on Twitter @DanesRd. Got a news tip? Please tweet us @siliconangle.

Latest from R. Danes

Will the HPE-GE partnership take IoT to the next level? | #HPEdiscover

HPE has lagged behind other companies in recent years. To become contenders again, it is taking an “if you can’t beat them, join them” approach and partnering with big movers and innovators both inside and outside the traditional IT space. One such partner — a massive one — is GE. Dave Vellante (@dvellante) and Jeff Frick ...

What’s old is new again: Combining old and new data to increase value | #SparkSummit

If the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, does that mean you should ignore your customers’ current activity and focus on past activity? If you have a vast store of data on your customers, you might wonder if you should focus on historical data sets or the real-time data. It’s a tough question, ...

Simplifying streaming with Spark 2.0: The easier way to continuous applications | #SparkSummit

“Simplify” is a big word in IT today, and you could argue that the race to market dominance in any area belongs to the provider that can offer the easiest way to do something. But, ironically, customers are also demanding more advanced performance to power their Big Data applications. Providers now have to balance simplicity ...

Data for all: Democratizing data across the enterprise | #SparkSummit

As data is becoming a special area of focus for more and more enterprises, some are looking at ways to make it more accessible within the enterprise. It is no longer just the data scientists and the developers that have access to the data. Some are finding that opening up access to data across the ...

Comeback Kid: Will IoT make HPE a big player again? | #HPEdiscover

The narrative for the last few years has been that HPE is struggling, falling behind and isn’t keeping up with innovation. One major reason has been their failure to get in on the cloud game in time with everyone else. Having shed debt and consulting services, HPE is now in a position to have to ...

New answers to old questions: Using data to make the impossible possible| #SparkBizApps

Your pool of data is like a massive brain containing much more information than the brain in your head could ever hold or manipulate at one time. You might liken it to a super genius, answering questions humans never thought they’d receive answers to. Take for example the experiments of genetics founder Gregor Mendel. Using ...

What’s the story? Understanding the narrative around your data | #SparkBizApps

Your data has a story to tell. Are you listening? Or are you forcing it into preset rows and columns? If so, you could be missing out on crucial and valuable information. If you want the most from data, you have to stop seeing it as a bunch of numbers to be logged and allow ...

The interesting (if uncertain) future of the video chip | #growawards

The recent market performance of HD video chip producer, Ambarella, Inc., has caused some analysts to doubt the long-term prospects for micro image processors. But several trends turning the corner could combine to make the video chip this year’s comeback kid. At least that is how Satish Bargava, head of Product Marketing Management and Strategic Business ...

IoT and the evolution of the semiconductor | #growawards

Talented IT people have a lot of choices about where to take a job these days. Companies have different strategies for attracting the best — some beef up salaries, others get creative with perks, but one company is attracting talent by simply giving them a place to work on innovative projects. Maya Strelar-Migotti, EVP and ...

Salaries, benefits, massages, oh my: Competing in the tech talent arms race | #growawards

Google gives employees free one-hour massages on-site when they complete projects; Facebook offers to cover $20,000 in cryogenic egg freezing for its female technologists. Sound extravagant? When you’re competing for the the small number of people with the skills to work in cutting-edge tech, you can’t try too hard. In fact, Jeremy Burton, president of Products ...