R. Danes

R. Danes is a senior writer for theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media’s mobile livestreaming studio, who is based on the East Coast. Her fondness for old media and longform journalism converges with an interest in new media and digital content trends. Exploring digital disruption in the realm of publications, articles and writing led her to writing articles about digital disruption everywhere. Find R. Danes on Twitter @DanesRd. Got a news tip? Please tweet us @siliconangle.

Latest from R. Danes

On the same page: How transparency improves service | #Know16

In the traditional hierarchical structure of an organization, much time is consumed going and asking superiors questions and waiting for their answers. How much more efficient could you be if all your employees had the same knowledge as the boss and the boss always knew exactly what was happening in the trenches? Dan Hedstrom, VP ...

Less is more: Improving your IT by getting rid of stuff | #Know16

Getting the strongest, fastest, best IT for your business is all about adding hot new software, services, and clouds, right? Well, until you have a glut of applications and processes slowing you down. Then, it’s time to slim down and start getting rid of stuff to improve performance and cut time consumption. Dave Schecklman, SVP ...

Security with a brain: The difference between responding quick and responding smart | #Know16

Security teams and the bad guys that would best them are the Hatfields and McCoys of IT. As fast as security specialists come up with new protections, the hackers and bots are trailing right behind with new ways to penetrate them. Accepting their occurrence as more or less perennial, teams now focus on responding smarter ...

Can better service management turn a days-long task into a two-minute task? | #Know16

“Integration” has been a buzz word at the Knowledge16 conference. How are companies integrating their processes with ServiceNow, and what sort of magic is resulting? We spoke with one customer about what ServiceNow, Inc. has done for his company’s HR department. Kris Wenzel, SQL server consultant for Essential SQL and database manager at Yazaki North ...

No development team? Custom workflows may be the answer | #Know16

It’s said again and again these days that every company will have to become an IT company — not great news for those already struggling to pay salaries. Luckily, there are ways you can kick the IT you have up a notch without adding a whole team of developers. Darrel Popowich, VP of IT at ...

Get ready for the next IT goldrush: The new workflow management market | #Know16

The IT universe is endlessly expanding, and it shows no sign of slowing down. If you want to compete in the economy of today and tomorrow, you have to utilize Big Data, you have to go hybrid, you have to use DevOps. The list goes on. And this endless growth has its corollary in the ...

New tagline for ServiceNow: ‘Providers hate us’ | #Know16

According to the customer stories from the Knowledge16 conference, the ServiceNow platform is simplifying the IT operations for a diverse range of companies. These businesses are making one thing clear: They would find it difficult to do their day-to-day jobs if it weren’t for ServiceNow, Inc. pulling things together. For companies that do a lot ...

Coding for a cause: This year’s ServiceNow Hackathon winners | #Know16

There’s a meme these days that casts coders and programmers as brazen careerists, sending San Francisco’s rents through the roof and driving around in Teslas with “DISRUPT” on the license plates. We can’t vouch for the general truth or falsehood of the stereotype, but we can point to one team of developers who pose a ...

What AI means today: Crunching numbers out; reading words in | #Know16

Most people understand data analytics as a boring sort of mathematics task where vast sets of numbers and statistics are deconstructed and put together again to provide an educated guess about consumer behavior. But if we want to get to the level of smart, precise decision making, we need to be able to parse the ...

Will this app give mom-and-pop shops equal footing with you-know-who? | #SAPPHIRENOW

Consumers love eCommerce; every year the number of purchases made online continues to grow, and many even prefer online shopping to shopping in the real world. But there is one group of people who are not 100 percent in love with this trend: owners of small brick-and-mortar shops. They have been hungry for a tool ...