R. Danes

R. Danes is a senior writer for theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media’s mobile livestreaming studio, who is based on the East Coast. Her fondness for old media and longform journalism converges with an interest in new media and digital content trends. Exploring digital disruption in the realm of publications, articles and writing led her to writing articles about digital disruption everywhere. Find R. Danes on Twitter @DanesRd. Got a news tip? Please tweet us @siliconangle.

Latest from R. Danes

Is it time to burst the cloud bubble? | #Know16

Cloud has been a hot word in IT for the past few years. If you’re a legacy company looking to stay relevant, add a cloud service. If you’re a startup, boast about your bleeding-edge, cloud-native infrastructure. If you’re an enterprise, surely you’re next profitable move involves a cloud service. But is it time to take ...

Can ServiceNow give the best in security a run for their money? | #Know16

With the growing size and complexity of IT comes growing risks of security breaches. Many are now saying it’s not a matter if you are breached, but when, so the task is to learn how to manage the breaches as they arise. Bart Murphy, CIO and CTO of CareWorks Family of Companies, said that the “when, ...

Pull it together: Is IT all over the place costing you time and money? | #Know16

The world of IT is expanding faster than ever; off-prem and hybrid cloud trends are driving a lot of it, as are DevOps and Software-as-a-Service. While the array of options is great for customizing, many find themselves wondering how many more IT products and services they can manage to keep track of. This is why ...

The proof in the pudding: Customers sound off about ServiceNow | #Know16

The true measure of a company isn’t in the press releases or marketing spin its employees issue from behind their desks. If you want to know what a product or service is delivering in the real world, you need to hit the streets and ask paying customers if they’re getting their money’s worth. Luckily, theCUBE, from the SiliconANGLE ...

Desk is a four letter word: The new service management philosophy | #Know16

What comes to mind when you hear the words “service management?” If it’s an 800 number you dial to get to a help desk, Frank Slootman, president and CEO of ServiceNow, Inc., has news for you: “Desk is a four letter word.” According to Dave Vellante (@dvellante), cohost of theCUBE, from the SiliconANGLE Media team, Slootman once uttered ...

Trimming the fat: Do you know what your applications are costing you? | #Know16

Everyone wants to build a killer application these days, something so convenient and seductive to their customers that they’ll forget all about the competition. With DevOps, containers, and all the as-a-service-software, more and more folks are becoming amateur application developers. This may sound great, but the reality, according to Laurence Dudson, product portfolio lead at ...

Is automation the solution to the cybersecurity catch-up game? | #Know16

Poor, overworked cybersecurity staff. All of Silicon Valley works busily year round to advance IT, develop new software and products, and then the security people are expected to come in and threat-proof everything with the wave of a wand. The situation is so frantic that Todd Pedersen, director of Cybersecurity Sales at Computer Sciences Corp. ...

Getting industry specific on the ‘maximum value journey’ | #Know16

As companies acclimate to cloud and digitization, more and more are looking for a shortcut to the best practices — not for John Doe’s business, but for their business. Busy managers don’t want to spend all day reading anecdotes about what worked for this company or that company, so they can take a haphazard guess at ...

Getting your disks in a row: Do you know how your IT is today? | #emcworld

On-prem, hybrid cloud, cloud-native, built-in, or as-a-service — it seems like the options for IT professionals are expanding daily. The more choices you have, the better able you are to customize infrastructure to meet your needs, so there’s no downside, right? Well, yeah, except when you have to take inventory of the performance and health ...

The customer’s always right: Does ‘socialized’ IT help build better products? | #emcworld

The next time you are negotiating a six-figure salary with a new developer, you might pause and wonder if you could just use free customer feedback to get the same value. One company has found that simply observing how customers interact with products is all it takes to build the next-generation release. Manuvir Das, SVP ...