R. Danes

R. Danes is a senior writer for theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media’s mobile livestreaming studio, who is based on the East Coast. Her fondness for old media and longform journalism converges with an interest in new media and digital content trends. Exploring digital disruption in the realm of publications, articles and writing led her to writing articles about digital disruption everywhere. Find R. Danes on Twitter @DanesRd. Got a news tip? Please tweet us @siliconangle.

Latest from R. Danes

Of cookies and people: Honing in on people-based data | #MME16

Companies stalking the moving target that is their customer have hotly anticipated new developments in Big Data — particularly those applicable to consumer behavior and purchasing. For the past 20 years, cookies have been the main source of information that companies have on their customers — but the remove from the person behind the cookie ...

Who will win the MarTech arms race? | #MME16

“Transformation” is an overused word in most industries. Companies looking to promote some new bells and whistle can’t wait to tell you they’re “transforming” the industry. The changes taking place in marketing technology (or is it technological marketing?) are the real deal though, according to Bruce Rogers, chief insights officer at Forbes Media, LLC. Rogers said ...

The blessing and curse of OpenStack updates | #OpenStack

There is a lot of talk about the complexity of OpenStack and the difficulty of mastering it for developers. On the one hand, according to Balaji Sivasubramanian, director of product management at Cisco Systems, Inc., “Customers are trying to build custom solutions more and more, and that works, but that’s not sustainable.” And on the other, ...

Turning a corner: Getting answers to OpenStack questions | #OpenStack

OpenStack is a large area in technology, and many have found it to be like a giant vat of questions without a lot of clear answers. But many at the OpenStack Summit in Austin, TX, are discussing the “maturation” of OpenStack and how its actual uses can now be better understood. “We’re seeing much more focus ...

Public or private? That is the OpenStack question | #OpenStack

OpenStack is one of those areas in technology where predictions about the future rapidly arise, fail to come true, and are replaced by new predictions. Despite what some have predicted in the past, OpenStack is still lagging well behind public cloud vendors like Amazon and Google. None of this surprises Randy Bias, VP of technology at ...

OpenStack training program takes DIY to a new level | #OpenStack

With all of the cloud service and management providers jostling to be the one companies choose for a long-term partnership, it’s refreshing to see a DIY angle for a change. For customers willing to take the time to learn the technology themselves, there is one team of consultants willing to “teach a man to fish” ...

Will adoption of OpenStack catch up to public cloud? | #OpenStack

The maturing of OpenStack is evident in the number of customers and the speed of adoption. However, the new versions of OpenStack are still adopted by users at a pace that lags behind adoption of other public and private cloud services. The reason, according to Brian Gracely (@bgracely), cohost of theCUBE, from the SiliconANGLE Media team, is the ...

Can cloud bursting solve IT’s existential crisis? | #OpenStack

Everyone has an opinion on cloud. If you talk to a cloud service provider, they might say cloud is the only way to go at this point in time. If you talk to a legacy hardware company, they might tell you that you still need a hardware base for maximum security. And then some companies ...

What can Microsoft bring to the OpenStack world? | #OpenStack

With new cloud-native, open-source startups offering cutting-edge IT services and architecture these days, it’s easy to start seeing legacy companies as old news. But we wouldn’t be where we are in technology today without the legacy companies, and the marriage of the time-tested standards with the new open-source world holds exciting potential. At least according ...

Does the future of IT rest on OpenPOWER? | #OpenPOWERSummit

With the open-source machine barreling forward and faster each day, you have to wonder when it will meet a roadblock. For all the barriers to open computing coming down all the time, there remains one barrier that could pose big challenges. According to Aaron Sullivan, distinguished engineer at Rackspace US, Inc., the tasks that future IT will ...