R. Danes

R. Danes is a senior writer for theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media’s mobile livestreaming studio, who is based on the East Coast. Her fondness for old media and longform journalism converges with an interest in new media and digital content trends. Exploring digital disruption in the realm of publications, articles and writing led her to writing articles about digital disruption everywhere. Find R. Danes on Twitter @DanesRd. Got a news tip? Please tweet us @siliconangle.

Latest from R. Danes

How one company started shortening links and wound up data scientists | #IBMInterConnect

Feeds for the new data science keep showing up in unexpected places from weather forecasting to grocery purchases. Bitly, Inc. CEO Mark Josephson has found one such source in his company’s main, deceptively humble-sounding business: Shortening links. “We started with a very simple problem — links on Twitter were too long,” he told John Furrier ...

The personal empowerment economy: My data for my benefit | #IBMInterConnect

The digitization of everything is embodied for many in the share economy and its manifestations, such as Uber. But as far as Scott Amyx is concerned, the share economy in its current form is just a stepping stone to something much greater: The personal empowerment economy. Amyx, managing partner of Venture1st and CEO of Amyx + Internet of ...

Will ‘citizen developers’ build more apps than pros do by 2020? | #IBMInterConnect

Many professionals in the data science field have predicted that we will all one day be “citizen data scientists,” mining and utilizing data to improve our businesses and lives. Now, the exciting prospect of democratizing development is on the horizon, said Sandy Carter, GM, IBM entrepreneurs and developer ecosystems, social business evangelism at IBM. Carter told John ...

Cognitive computing: Unlocking goldmines at the speed of thought | #IBMInterConnect

The technology industry is all ears these days for Big Data use-cases that give clues as to how the new data science will transform our lives. It sometimes seems we are sitting on this goldmine just waiting for the tools to extract its riches. Where are we going with all this? For Doug Balog, GM of ...

Time was ripe for IBM merger with The Weather Company, says CITO | #IBMInterConnect

IBM’s announcement that it would take over The Weather Company was perplexing to some, but not to The Weather Company’s Chief Information & Technology Officer, Bryson Koehler. To him, it’s a natural fit, and the reason basically comes down to data. Koehler told John Furrier and Dave Vellante, cohosts of theCUBE, from the SiliconANGLE Media team, that The ...

Data not doping: Is tech the new way to win in sports? | #IBMInterConnect

The days of the notebook and stopwatch are on their way out for sports trainers, according to Neal Henderson, founder of APEX Coaching & Consulting, LLC. Now, and moving into the future, pro athletes are making use of cutting-edge technology to monitor their progress, he told John Furrier and Dave Vellante, cohosts of theCUBE, from the ...

How Spark and RapidMiner are helping to create ‘citizen data scientists’ | #SparkSummit

On one side of the aisle in Big Data, you have the glass-half-empty folks who warn that this is new technology and actual use-cases are still sparse. On the other side, you have glass-half-full people, like Peter Lee, CEO of Rapid-I Inc. (dba. RapidMiner), who sees the day coming when use of “citizen data scientists” ...

Can Spark data tools stamp out cyber crime? | #SparkSummit

There’s a new cyber crime in town, and in ways it’s bigger and badder than identity theft and credit card fraud. Ad fraud is the sophisticated new way fraudsters make money online — lots of it. Advertisers will lose an estimated $7.2 billion to ad fraud this year — that is unless Tamer Hassan, cofounder and ...

Big Data: Are we there yet? When will the ‘new technology smell’ wear off? | #SparkSummit

It seems like every week there’s a story in the news about some fascinating new use for Big Data, be it revealing dating people’s preferences or CIA-level spying. What this buzz belies is the relative newness of this technology and the ongoing frustration some IT professionals feel in trying to standardize it for use in ...

Is Apache Big Data’s center of gravity? | #SparkSummit

Big Data clearly offers a rich source of uses for companies to understand their businesses and improve their performances. The race is on to become the go-to provider of services and software for companies ready to enter the Big Data era. The game belongs to simplicity and ease of use, according to Shaun Connolly, VP ...