R. Danes

R. Danes is a senior writer for theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media’s mobile livestreaming studio, who is based on the East Coast. Her fondness for old media and longform journalism converges with an interest in new media and digital content trends. Exploring digital disruption in the realm of publications, articles and writing led her to writing articles about digital disruption everywhere. Find R. Danes on Twitter @DanesRd. Got a news tip? Please tweet us @siliconangle.

Latest from R. Danes

VxRail allows simplicity and elasticity at the same time | #thecube

As the boom in turnkey IT rolls on, customers are looking to strike the perfect balance between simplicity and elasticity. How much customization do you forgo for the ability to set it and forget it? VCE President Chad Sakac is proudly obsessed with making his company the choice for customers at every point of the ...

Is software-defined the headache medicine for Big Data? | #SparkSummit

These days everyone is in a tizzy about Big Data — its uses, its implementation, its benefits. No one wants to be left out of the party, but the complexities are proving to be as large as the promise it holds. Companies are still in the stage of figuring it all out, according to  Tendu ...

How one company plans to lead enterprises through the blockchain maze | #BlockChain

Despite the steady hype around blockchain, many individuals and businesses still find dealing with the technology dauntingly complex. But just-launched Tendermint ( ALL IN BITS, INC) wants to be the go-between and make blockchain simpler to utilize and understand. Specifically, the company provides a tool for simplifying blockchains for enterprises small to large. Tendermint President ...

The blockchain: A new tech and finance tango | #BlockChain

The financial industry’s interest in bitcoin and the blockchain continues to build, and 2016 may be the year that rocks the Richter scale. Blockchain technology is useful for reducing cost and friction and tackles the industry’s transparency concerns, according to Pete Harris, principal of Lighthouse Partners and event producer and conference chair of the Block ...

Has blockchain’s Napster moment arrived? | #BlockChain

New technologies large and small spark to life all the time. Some make a brief flash and fizzle out, and some burst into supernovas that change industries and regular consumers’ lives. At the Block Chain Conference in San Francisco, Jeff Frick, cohost of theCUBE, from the SiliconANGLE Media team, had a chance to talk to some ...

Want to start your own blockchain in 60 seconds or less? | #BlockChain

The non-financial uses for blockchain protocol originated by Bitcoin are cropping up all over, and the race is on to be the database of choice. Ascribe, one of the first non-financial use cases, leveraged blockchain to help artists and creators keep track of intellectual property. Bruce Pon, founder and CEO at ascribe GmbH, has decided ...

VCE to announce ‘face-melting’ news on February 16 | #thecube

VMware, Inc.’s launch of Virtual SAN (VSAN) 6.2 has garnered much fanfare in the industry, but VCE Company, LLC President Chad Sakac has a small bone to pick: “They should have called this VSAN face-melting edition.” Sakac told Stu Miniman, cohost of theCUBE, from the SiliconANGLE Media team, that the new VSAN raises the bar by incorporating ...

Is there a new networking solutions provider du jour for cloud architects? | #CUBEconversations

How does a young company compete against a behemoth competitor with an 80 percent enterprise marketshare? “We look for the agents of change,” said Plexxi, Inc.’s CEO Rich Napolitano, referring to the company’s strategy for attracting customers looking for novel IT Solutions. Despite speculation that Cisco Systems, Inc. will eventually acquire Plexxi, Napolitano seems quite ...

How the software-defined storage explosion is giving data legs | #CUBEconversations

The explosion of software-defined storage has been crucial to the converging or leaning of IT in the past few years. What these new storage methods make possible for businesses and organizations is an area of increasing interest. “The role of hardware has changed,” said Chris Farey, cofounder and CTO for StorMagic, a software-defined storage provider. The ...

To build or to buy? The clouding of IT | #CUBEconversations

As cheap, efficient, public cloud offerings continue to whet people’s appetites for plug and play IT, companies are rushing to meet the demand. “It’s going to be on like Donkey Kong” for ready-to-use infrastructure this year, said VCE Co., LLC President Chad Sakac. Owned by EMC, VCE provides converged infrastructure and solutions. Sakac told Stu ...