R. Danes

R. Danes is a senior writer for theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media’s mobile livestreaming studio, who is based on the East Coast. Her fondness for old media and longform journalism converges with an interest in new media and digital content trends. Exploring digital disruption in the realm of publications, articles and writing led her to writing articles about digital disruption everywhere. Find R. Danes on Twitter @DanesRd. Got a news tip? Please tweet us @siliconangle.

Latest from R. Danes

Will software-defined revolutionize data protection? | #CUBEconversations

Add data protection to the list of IT areas where software-defined is reducing bulk and boosting usability. Loss of large data sets can be disastrous for organizations. The latest software technology offers new ways to ensure against it without taking up physical space or hiring more staff. Joseph King, chief technology officer and VP of ...

A performance review tool that doesn’t hate employees? | #theCUBE

The space for work productivity tools has filled up with a lot of platforms geared toward helping HR comply with rules and keep records. But there’s not many for helping mold better employees, according to Srinivas Krishnamurti, cofounder and CEO of Zugata, In., a four-month-old startup offering performance review technology. Rather than giving bosses more means to ...

Will this be the year the startup bubble bursts? | #theCUBE

Another day, another startup promising to change everything — that’s been the climate in technology for the past few years, and analysts wonder how much longer it can last. The way to avoid the bubble burst some see as inevitable is to get real about profitability, according to Steve Herrod, managing director of  General Catalyst ...

Machine vs. brain: When are algorithms smarter, and can they be trusted? | #FastForwardInnovation

The idea that intelligent machines will make humans obsolete in many industries employing today’s population is a common concern for everyone except the people building those machines. Case in point, Micha Gorelick, a data scientist and engineer with Fast Forward Labs, doesn’t talk glowingly about the superiority of algorithms compared to brains, but rather stresses their limitations. The crucial ...

Crazy enough to work? One company’s unconventional approach to innovation | #FastForwardInnovation

Developers and tech professionals are bustling to find the best applications for data and machine learning these days. Fast Forward Labs is taking a zany and surprisingly fruitful approach to winning the race, according to Kathryn Hume, director of sales and marketing: Throw it in the water, and see if it can swim. The development ...

Less talking, more action: Applying data and machine learning | #FastForwardInnovation

The hype about data is matched only by the complexity of navigating and mining it for applicable uses. Above the chatter, companies are now saying simply, “Show me the application.” In response, New York City-based Fast Forward Labs has sprung up to provide practical solutions that utilize data and machine learning. CEO and Founder Hilary ...

Auto tech platform wars: Ford battles to move ahead of the competition | #FordInnovation

The people at Ford Motor Co. are making moves to become a technologically advanced car company. The Ford Research and Innovation Center in Palo Alto opened a year ago to further the company’s branching into connectivity, mobility and autonomous vehicles. Hosts John Furrier and Jeff Frick of John Furrier and Jeff Frick, cohosts of theCUBE, from ...

From car to smartcar: Is this automotive’s iPhone moment? | #FordInnovation

The automotive industry is having a moment reminiscent of the introduction of Apple’s iPhone. And while we are still feeling our way around, everyone knows smart is the future. According to Marcy Klevorn, chief information officer at Ford Motor Co., the company wants to be at the forefront of the automotive smart shift. Ford is ...

Can ‘Coopetition’ keep Ford ahead of the curve? | #FordInnovation

Coopetition is Silicon Valley lingo for the balance achieved by competing companies who cooperate to help one another innovate, perform and sell more. This break from the old “don’t ask, don’t tell” model to a more open and communicative relationship between competitors is working quite nicely for Ford Motor Co., according to the company’s VP of ...

From insight to action: What’s next for predictive analytics? | #RMWisdom16

Tech wizards and regular business people alike have been “oohing and ahhing” over the insights possible through data mining for years. The question now, according to Peter Lee, president and CEO of RapidMiner (Rapid-I, Inc.), is how can we apply those insights to bring real value to people? Lee told Dave Vellante, cohost of theCUBE, from ...