Saroj Kar

Saroj is a Staff Writer at SiliconANGLE covering DevOps, Emerging Tech, Mobile and Gaming news. If you have a story idea or tip, send it to @SiliconAngle on Twitter.

Latest from Saroj Kar

Advertising and Kinect: Challenges for Microsoft

Kinect for Xbox One has been somewhat enhanced over the previous model, but to achieve this, the research team of Microsoft and its hardware partners (Silicon Architecture and Management) had to overcome several obstacles during the development phase. Succeeding in fact to improve the device, increasing the precision in the detection of objects without sacrificing ...

UK Cyber Reserve Army Sets to Batten Down Countries Against Cyber War

A report by the US Department of Defense accused China’s government and military of targeting US government computers as part of a cyber-espionage campaign. The report said that Chinese attacks aimed to scoop up intelligence on US diplomatic, economic and defense sectors which could benefit China’s own military capabilities. The British government admits that the ...

Apache CloudStack 4.2.0 Brings Open Source Compute, Storage and Networking Cloud Platform in One

The open-source Apache Foundation announced the release of Apache CloudStack 4.2.0, a scaling construct for the cloud platform. The Apache CloudStack 4.2.0 cloud platform delivers across the board improvements for the cloud computing platform and is the third for the open-source project since it became part of the Apache Software Foundation in November of 2012 ...

NSA Has Had Little Success Cracking Tor

The NSA works with elaborate methods to determine the identity of users of the Tor network that allows anonymous and unobserved web surfing communications. As per article published by The Guardian, a secret presentation shows NSA was able to achieve some success, but the security architecture of Tor (The Onion Router) itself does not overturn. ...

Splunk Conference DevOps Round Up: Transitioning Beyond Machine Log Data | #splunkconf

At its annual Worldwide Users’ Conference in Las Vegas last week, the machine data analytics company Splunk continues to enhance its flagship machine data search engine so it can be used by business analysts and managers. The company advanced its portfolio of products including a new version 6.0 of its enterprise edition cloud service and ...

New Poll Reveals Browser Games Leads Console Games in Popularity

A new survey staged by Goo Technologies and conducted online within the United States by Harris Interactive suggests that browser games have aced out the console gaming market in the US. The findings of its 2013 State of Browser Gaming Index fielded among more than 2,000 Americans, aged 18 and older found that 52 percent ...

How Faster, Smarter and Cleaner iOS 7 Will Spark a Boom in App Design

Apple recently announced iOS 7 and with it a completely redesigned stunning new user interface for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch users.  iOS 7 has hundreds of great new features, including Control Center, Notification Center, improved Multitasking, AirDrop, enhanced Photos, Safari, Siri, and iTune Radio.  In addition, iOS 7 has been engineered with deep technical ...

Splunk Support of AWS Cloud Designed to Bridge the Data Divide

Splunk enables organizations to monitor, search, analyze, visualize and act on massive streams of real-time and historical machine data. Splunk Storm, which is aimed at companies who develop their applications in the public cloud and provide for infrastructure services such as AWS, Heroku, Google App Engine, or Rackspace, uses Amazon EC2 as its infrastructure, and ...

Scribd Emulates Amazon and Apple to Make E-book Subscriptions Mainstream

Scribd, the document sharing service for the Internet, announced a new subscription service for digital books, in a model similar to Netflix (movies and TV) and Spotify (music). Through a monthly fee, the user can access a collection of “thousands of books” stored on the site without having to buy every copy of the book ...

Oracle Improves Performance and Administration with MySQL 5.7 Development Milestone Release

During the MySQL Connect conference at Oracle OpenWorld 2013, Oracle announced the second Development Milestone Release (DMR) for MySQL 5.7 database. The new release provides faster connectivity, higher transactional throughput, increased replication rate, improvements in instrumentation of memory and other features, providing enhanced performance and manageability. This year Openworld theme is based on Open Source ...