Saroj Kar

Saroj is a Staff Writer at SiliconANGLE covering DevOps, Emerging Tech, Mobile and Gaming news. If you have a story idea or tip, send it to @SiliconAngle on Twitter.

Latest from Saroj Kar

NotCompatible malware is back as a rising threat to corporate mobile users

In May 2012, mobile security platform Lookout reported the occurrence of NotCompatible, a malicious program broadcast by pirate websites. Once installed, NotCompatible made a ​​proxy server, turning Android devices into zombies able to send and receive network data. For the first time, hacked websites have provided a platform to target and infect specific mobile devices. ...

Rackspace survey spotlights DevOps as an emerging force in IT today

How often do dev teams go through the motions to manually create an infrastructure or lean on another team to spin up that environment for them? Rapid application development is requisite now and automation is becoming key and the DevOps paradigm appears to be leading the way. New survey results released by Rackspace Inc. found ...

Leading computer scientists ask Supreme Court to rule against API copyrights

The history of the legal battle between Google and Oracle over the Java API as implemnted in Android OS has been nothing short of legendary. It dragged on for years and painted a strange picture of the software landscape that continues to haunt corporations, developers, and legal scholars. The most recent decision in this case, ...

DevOps Weekly Round-Up: GitHub AWS support, .NET Framework, Oculus Mobile SDK and more

This week in DevOps shows an ongoing expansion of opportunities for developers using open source and vendor-specific DevOps models. Configuration and automation remains the big draw for DevOps needs and continuous delivery seemed to be all about getting the bits into production. The cloud respository GitHub continues to release expanded abilities permitting greater automation of ...

The new Raspberry Pi A+ is here: smarter, smaller and cheaper

For sale in 2012 at a price of only $35, the Raspberry Pi revolutionized the world of low-cost Linux-based developer platforms. Since then the vendor, Adafruit Industries, has sold more than four million, a figure that displays the success of the project. The Raspberry Pi Foundation recently presented the Raspberry Pi A+ Model, an updated version of the platform over the ...

GitHub boosts its enterprise business edition with AWS support

The goal of GitHub is to do almost everything possible for developers such as hosting code, managing tasks, authentication, and finally providing a space to test, analyze, and host and display production results. The code repository has been a mainstay of much of the open source movement and recently GitHub announced version 2.0 of GitHub Enterprise. ...

Coverity Security Report: Open source projects severely in need security programs

In today’s IT environments, security has become a major concern. Despite recent reports of software vulnerabilities in open source code, including Shellshock, the OpenSSL Heartbleed and GoToFail, companies still prefer to use open source software. But, open source developers don’t always adhere to best practices when it comes to security such as conducting regular security ...

Microsoft Connect() online event connects mobile-first, cloud-first developers

In a move to take mobile-first, cloud-first and DevOps trends to next level, Microsoft Corporation is hosting an online developer event, on November 12th and 13th. Connect() will talk about the future of its developer tools in a cloud-first, mobile-first and DevOps embracing market. Microsoft describes the Connect() event like a cloud-first, mobile-first, code-first virtual ...

Web developers find a friend in Mozilla with the Firefox Developer Edition

To celebrate the tenth birthday of Firefox, the Mozilla Corporation has released an updated browser designed with developers in mind. The Firefox Developer Edition provides a multitude of tools useful for the creation and debugging of apps, both desktop and mobile. In addition to the tools already in the consumer version, Mozilla included two new features: Valence and WebIDE. ...

Lytro development platform to power NASA’s future space exploration

Photography has always been an artform of angles, light, and focus–getting the right shot, in the right moment, using optics to capture motion and detail. Lytro, a digital photography company, has a product that allows for photographers to worry less about one of the finer details of getting the perfect snap: the problem of focus, ...