Saroj Kar

Saroj is a Staff Writer at SiliconANGLE covering DevOps, Emerging Tech, Mobile and Gaming news. If you have a story idea or tip, send it to @SiliconAngle on Twitter.

Latest from Saroj Kar

How Europe Expansion Could Benefit AT&T, Since that T-Mobile Merger Failed

As part of its strategy towards external growth internationally, top U.S. telecom AT&T is considering the purchase of British or Dutch telecom operators. The Wall Street Journal reported the news, citing sources close to the group that AT&T is currently studying possible acquisitions targets, and that a transaction could take place by the end of the ...

How Big Data Will Impact IT Spending in 2013

While information technology is synonymous with change, it seems change never happened so quickly. Over the last few years, cloud computing and mobility have become widespread, while social networks and analytics have penetrated all corners of the enterprise. The explosion of data will remain among the biggest concerns for the IT industry as the Big ...

Guilty By Association: Bing, Facebook Graph Search and Your Data

In a surprise press conference Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, the man behind the most popular social network in the world, announced the launch of the beta version of “Graph Search” a new search engine.  One of Facebook’s most important partners in developing this tool was none other than Microsoft Bing. While Google may be worried about ...

How HP’s Focus on Core Businesses Helped the PC Maker Regain the Lead

The battle for the throne of computerland continues, as the fourth quarter of last year saw yet another upheaval in the PC market.  Although it failed to increase PC shipments in Q4, Hewlett-Packard regained world leadership in computer sales for the period, according to the latest quarterly report by research firm IDC. The top spot ...

Should Dell Have to Answer to Investors as It Shifts Strategies?

Dell’s days as a publicly traded company may soon come to an end, as rumor surfaced of the world’s third-largest maker of personal computers (PCs) is exploring a potential buyout with at least two private-equity firms. This isn’t the first time Dell has been in serious talks with private-equity firms over a potential buyout deal. ...

What’s a Leaner Nokia Look Like, and Where’s its Balance for R&D and Marketing?

The smartphone market has changed radically in the last few years with the advent of Android-based phones and Apple’s iPhone. The entirety of the mobile ecosystem, once dominated by Nokia, underwent a fundamental realignment in recent years, with Nokia losing the most in the transition to the iPhone era. The company’s seen its stock fall ...

How Simplicity will Transform the Future of the Data Center

It’s hard to imagine a resilient business without advanced IT tools to support its operation.  Regardless of the industry, information systems encompass more and more actions within an organization, increasing the dependence on the very reliability and continuity of these systems. At its core is the advancement of data centers. Due to the increasingly widespread ...

If Samsung Doesn’t Make Apple Chips, Who Will?

It’s no secret Apple and Samsung have a love-hate relationship.  Nevertheless, the Korean firm provides processors to the Cupertino company, powering its products such as A6 processors fitted to the iPhone 5 and iPad 4. The agreement between Apple and Samsung for the production of mobile processors for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch is ...

Apple vs. Lenovo: Who Will China Love Most?

The highly anticipated launch of the iPhone 5 in China, the second largest market for Apple, was deemed successful by many accounts, but still failed to halt the progress of Lenovo, arguably the most valuable technology company in the world. The newest Apple iPhone, which has a bigger four-inch screen and 4G support, was released ...

Enterprise IT Needs Radical Transformation, Says Intel CIO

With increasing headcounts and ever growing demand for IT and computing resources, enterprises today need strategies and tools to pace ahead of these transitions and create more value for the company, says Kim Stevenson, VP and CIO of Intel Corporation. During Dell World 2012, in a conversation with SiliconAngle founder John Furrier and Wikibon founder ...