Saroj Kar

Saroj is a Staff Writer at SiliconANGLE covering DevOps, Emerging Tech, Mobile and Gaming news. If you have a story idea or tip, send it to @SiliconAngle on Twitter.

Latest from Saroj Kar

Dropbox, Angry Birds and YouTube Among Top Blacklisted Apps at Work

You’d be hard-pressed to find an office without a few tablet owners these days.  The iPad has become a fixture for white collar workers, retail and sales, increasing productivity and making us all a little more mobile.  Now that we’ve nestled into a mobilized mentality, we start to see some interesting patterns emerge.  The maturation ...

Human Error Left SEC Computers Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks

Employees of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) failed to protect private access to their computers with highly confidential information, becoming a target for cyber-attacks, according to a Reuters report. In this particular instance, they didn’t encrypt devices taken out of the bounds of physical security and left them in the open for prying ...

DevOps November 2012: Best Upcoming Conferences and Events in Europe

Nowadays, modern technology is constantly changing, and fast product or service delivery is required, with customer’s expectations changing along with the product properties. A traditional product development approach with a thorough planning stage and several years long delivery is no longer acceptable. Efficiency today means receiving maximum profit from each resource unit as early as ...

Millennial Media Team-Up Shines Light on Data-Driven Strategy

Mobile ad platform Millennial Media has stayed ahead of the curve when it comes to incorporating cutting edge technology into their long term strategy.  The foresight has enabled Millennial to build a platform designed for today’s mobile branding needs, with a suite of products and services to target and analyze end users.  Data plays a central role in Millennial’s ...

Newvem iOS App Brings Amazon Cloud Metrics to iPhone and iPad

Newvem, the cloud analytics and optimization company, unveiled the first-ever native iOS app to help companies manage their Amazon Web Services (AWS) from mobile. Newvem says its new Cloud Smart Meter for AWS, optimized for iPad and iPhone, allows CIOs, IT managers, and developers to analyze and track their companies’ Amazon cloud deployments including what’s ...

Booming Mobile Web Access Signals the Death of PCs

Every year, Mary Meeker, the former Morgan Stanley star analyst now associated with KPCB, takes the pulse of the Internet and puts into perspective the dynamics of the mobile sector in particular, granting annual insight to her world. This year, however, Meeker released a mid-year update to a small San Francisco crowd. According to Meeker, ...

Anonymous Leaks Kernel Source Code of VMware to the Internet

Collective hacking group Anonymous has started the action it pledged for the 5th November, targeting Australian government websites and big hitters such PayPal, VMware, Symantec, as well as defacement of NBC-affiliated sites and Lady Gaga’s fan page. Without explaining the origin, Anonymous has published the source code of the core VMware ESX virtualization professional solution. ...

Expansive App Strategy Moves Food Network into iPad Books

We’re not all born with cooking skills, however, the vast majority of us share something in common: as passion for smartphones and tablets. If you forget the worries of the kitchen for a moment, you’ll find that mobile technology is empowering a new generation of chefs in the making. The iPhone and iPad have paved ...

Fear Factor and Your Online Digital Life [Infographic]

For hackers, no business is too small to exploit. Security is biggest obstacle to public digital life because users find it difficult to assess security risks and approaches to mitigation. When it comes to your online identity, cybercriminal activities, hackers, and malware are the one we afraid of. We are afraid of what they are ...

Israel Shuts Down Police Computers After Cyber Attack

Israel authorities have banned its police force from connecting to the Internet and from using any external memory disks or sticks in an effort to curb a cyber-attack. According to report, a malware infection was detected last week, which may also be loaded via USB or memory stick, leading the authorities to take measures against ...