Saroj Kar

Saroj is a Staff Writer at SiliconANGLE covering DevOps, Emerging Tech, Mobile and Gaming news. If you have a story idea or tip, send it to @SiliconAngle on Twitter.

Latest from Saroj Kar

Windows Phone to Surpass iOS by 2016, IDC Says

2012 is the year that will see highest number of mobile handsets sell in mobile history. IDC released its Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker report on Wednesday in which it provided the current market share values for Android, iOS, Windows Phone and other smartphone operating systems. According to the numbers, mobile vendors will ship a ...

Real Time Travel Trends Spur Mobile App Investment

HotelTonight, the mobile application that allows you to book hotel rooms for the same day at discounted prices, just extended its internationalization strategy with fresh funds.  Starting with the Canadian market last month, HotelTonight has secured a $23 million Series C investment to further extend its international presence. CEO Sam Shank said Tuesday that the ...

Google Relies on Social + Local Search in Latest Ad Push

There are two sectors search and advertising have yet to dominate: social and local.  But recent rumors indicate that Google’s hoping to kill two birds with one stone, beating Facebook to the punch by leveraging its widespread products and building on its long-standing dominance in the search advertising space. Google in the past has tried ...

Google Attacks Microsoft and Nokia for Collusion

Anti-lawsuits patent battles have always found their way into news headlines these recent months, with biggies in tech – from Microsoft to Google, Apple to Oracle, all accusing one another for patent infringement.  This time it’s Google that’s filed complaints with the European Commission against the two main contributors to Windows Phone, Microsoft and Nokia, ...

Facebook Timeline Remover Scam Apps Promise to Remove Timeline

Facebook users are being bombarded with timeline removal apps request that promise to remove Facebook Timeline. The scam seems to be spreading via various sources including rogue browser extensions and rogue Facebook applications. The introduction of new design by Facebook was hardly well received by Facebook users and various enterprises. Scammers have exploited this and ...

Cisco Study Projects Internet Traffic will Quadruple by 2016

Cisco issued the annual Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI) Forecast (2011-2016) that shows the growth and trends in the global IP traffic.  According to the forecast, the volume of information circulating the Internet is expected to multiply by four, reaching 1.3 zettabytes by 2016. The report reveals an increase in IP traffic expected to travel ...

Samsung Launches Music Hub Cloud Service for Galaxy S III

Only a short time after the acquisition of mSpot, Samsung has introduced cloud based music service, Music Hub, the latest to rival Apple’s iTunes and Spotify’s music streaming. The new Music Hub will initially be offered on the Samsung Galaxy S III before they are available on other devices. The free version of the service ...

Malicious E-mail and Phishing Trends Show Wednesday is a Slow Day at Work

Even hackers need a day off! A recent email-based attacks for 2012 statistics shows that hackers preferred for attacks on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, while Saturdays and Sundays are used for resting. The research led by network security firm FireEye, a leader in stopping targeted cyber-attacks, analyzed messages with malware over the years and found that ...

6 Worst Layoffs in Tech – Past 12 Months

HP, the world’s largest manufacturer of computers, decided to layoff about 27,000 employees before the end of the 2014 business year. The cuts, announced last week, represent the largest layoffs in HP’s working history.  The company hopes to avoid layoffs as much as possible offering early retirement packages. As part of the restructuring plans of several ...

SMS Ads: Still Got It! Mobile Retail Trend Report

Mobile retail is an undeniable byproduct of our love for tablets and smartphones, and it’s up to marketers and business owners to take advantage of this consumer trend.  Cellit, the mobile marketing division of ePrize, announced the release of a mobile study that highlights how mobile SMS are impacting some retailers’ loyal mobile subscribers, and ...