Saroj Kar

Saroj is a Staff Writer at SiliconANGLE covering DevOps, Emerging Tech, Mobile and Gaming news. If you have a story idea or tip, send it to @SiliconAngle on Twitter.

Latest from Saroj Kar

The $550M Patent Trade Off: From AOL to Microsoft to Facebook

Microsoft and Facebook have reached an important agreement today that gives the social network access to a large number of strategic patents. Microsoft is selling a portion of the patents to Facebook that the software company recently acquired from AOL. AOL announced in early April their plans to sell most of their patents for around ...

Early Amazon Cloud Marketplace Rivals

Amazon continues to strengthen its offering in cloud with an app store for cloud applications, the AWS Marketplace. The new portal allows customers to buy the Amazon’s cloud applications as well as third party software towards the development of their business. The Marketplace has pre-configured software and technical services, and a shopping cart and list feature. ...

Spotify Tunes Up Android but Still Has a Ways to Go

Spotify for Android gets an update with a complete design makeover and improved navigation, more social media integration and high resolution artist images.  The update comes at a time when users have had many complaints on the previous version of the Spotify Android app, claiming it was too slow and barely functional. To take a ...

Banjo Social Discovery App Hits One Million Users

Banjo, the location based social discovery app for iPhone and Android that lets you view users’ profiles based on their location, has hit the million user mark. Launched nine months ago on both iOS and Android, Banjo makes it easier to discover and connect with people, turning online interaction into an offline connection. The app provides ...

Social Tools to Measure Your Real Influence and Success

With the growing buzz around Klout, it’s clear people want to gain a better understanding of our social network presence, its reach and influence.  There’s several tools out there to help determine this to some extent.  These online tools allow us to identify influencers across networks and take action with a more qualitative approach in ...

Quality and Support – The Key to Customer Loyalty [REPORT]

April has been deemed customer loyalty month, in case you were wondering. To highlight customer loyalty, ClickFox revealed the results of a recent study on the relationship between customer loyalty and company performance. As it turns out, the lion’s share of consumers indicate quality and service drives loyalty for certain products. According to the report, consumers appreciate the courtesy ...

AOL Lowlights – The Downfall of an Internet Innovator

AOL, the media company known early on for providing online services and electronic bulletin boards, has the fifth most popular search engine in the world. AOL was once instrumental in bringing people to web portals, chat rooms and instant messaging. Despite being called the greatest innovator that shaped the internet, the company’s foundation has started ...

A Breakdown of Facebook’s Goals with Instagram Acquisition

Facebook has taken control of the popular social photo sharing application Instagram for $1 billion, as reported by Mark Zuckerberg in his own Facebook wall. The acquisition will be Facebook’s biggest acquisition to date. The purchase is expected to become reality later this quarter, and arrives in the middle of a legal battle between Facebook ...

Who Cares about Facebook Timeline Cover Photos? Not Brand Fans

Just last week, Facebook updated all the business pages on its network to the new Facebook Timelines format. But is the new layout really better than the old one? Market researchers from SimpleUsability investigated the use of new Timeline behavior with an Eye-tracking study and the results are surprising. The report called “New Facebook Brand Pages: ...

Apple, Amazon Face Different Outcomes from Booming eBooks Market

Today’s e-reader roundup features a possible pricing settlement of The U.S. Department of Justice with three of the world’s biggest publishers that sells e-books to Apple, Amazon’s launch of the Spanish language Kindle store, and the rise of e-reader reading. Apple and the US Department of Justice Might Reach a Settlement The pending lawsuit from ...