Saroj Kar

Saroj is a Staff Writer at SiliconANGLE covering DevOps, Emerging Tech, Mobile and Gaming news. If you have a story idea or tip, send it to @SiliconAngle on Twitter.

Latest from Saroj Kar

Ex-NASA Executive jumps to Cloud, Launches Nebula

Former chief technology officer of NASA, Chris Kemp, along with his team have launch their space shuttle not to reach to the stars but to the clouds with their latest venture Nebula. The new OpenStack appliance company Nebula will sell an OpenStack based appliances for managing cloud computing. Nebula will offer inexpensive hardware and software ...

VMware Staves Off Microsoft Hyper-V, Seeks UK Government Contracts

VMware is said to be the pioneer of virtualization. Whenever VMware announces a big idea, it’s a big deal for the virtualization world.  But competitors are on the rise, and Microsoft is making a tough fight in the virtualized server environment.  Stratus, one of the leaders for uptime assurance, released a semi-annual survey on market ...

Socialcast’s Collaboration Tool Extends VMware Presence in the Cloud

Socialcast has added several new features to its enterprise-grade microblogging platform, including an external collaboration tool to support the company calls as the ‘extended enterprise’ offering to external contractors, suppliers, clients, partners and customers. These new features are based on the concepts of external contributors, organizational charts and enhanced user roles. The external contributors feature ...

Oracle Gives Early Access to MySQL 5.6, Extends Cloud DB Solutions

Indicating its continued investment in MySQL, Oracle from Monday onwards is providing early access to MySQL 5.6 features to its developer community to test, deploy and provide feedback. This latest release of the popular open source database product provides better scalability, performance and flexibility. MySQL 5.6 early access features are available for download here. New ...

Acer Enters Cloud Computing Space, Acquires iGware

Taiwan’s personal computer vendor Acer said it plans to buy US-based technology company iGware for $320 million. This move would allow Acer to enter lucrative cloud market and add value to its main hardware business, a tactic that’s readily spreading amongst device and hardware makers, from Dell to HP.  Acer is also paying an additional ...

Where’s the World’s Data Being Stored, and Who Owns It?

Have you ever wondered where all digital data of the world being stored? No one can provide you precise answer. But yes, all that data is being stored at multiple locations worldwide. Mozy, one of the world’s largest used online backup services, released an info-graphic showing how our data is being stored across the globe. ...

Cisco’s Business Continuity Plan: SecureX, Video and Social Technology

This week Cisco confirmed its plans to layoff 9 percent of its workforce (6,500 jobs) and to reduce its operating cost by about $1 billion to streamline and focus on the core businesses. Cisco said it will further cut 15 percent of employees in the ranks of vice president and above. 2,100 employees will take ...

Baidu Joins the Crowded Browser Market, Boosts Competition

Baidu, the Chinese search engine giant, unveiled its own web browser today. The browser will be in direct competition with market giants including Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, Google’s Chrome and Mozilla’s Firefox. Baidu is marketing the product as ‘simple and reliable’ with features like secure navigation protected against malware infiltration. Baidu Browser will also compete with ...

Verizon Driving Wireless Technology Development, Targets Rival AT&T

Verizon Wireless is launching 4G LTE network in 28 additional markets this week, ahead from its competitors AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile, expanding its network to 102 cities in the US. Consumers can choose a variety of 4G devices including smartphones, tablet, hotspots, and USB modems to use the blazing fast speeds of 4G LTE network. ...

LimeWire is in Trouble Again; Indie Labels file Suit

LimeWire is in news for all the wrong reasons again. International independent record indie music right group, Merlin, has filed a $5 million lawsuit against the ex-P2P service LimeWire last week. Merlin claims LimeWire failed to live up to an agreement that it would reach a settlement with the major U.S. music labels. The suit ...