Sean K. Murphy

Latest from Sean K. Murphy

How Unthinkable is Your Product?

I think that there are better products, impossible products, and unthinkable products. Better products follow an established trajectory in an industry. They are “15 minutes ahead” and the easiest to sell…for a while. Examples include: Faster computers with larger memory Cars with better gas mileage Impossible products find a way to relax one or two ...

8 Tips for Evaluating Alternatives to Outside Funding

Many entrepreneurs planning their first software startup get stuck on funding and ownership issues. Here are some simple rules of thumb that may help you reframe an issue: Revenue, especially break even revenue, is never dilutive of your ownership. The right co-founders, while dilutive, substantially increase your chances of success: they give you a smaller ...

Bouncing Back: Dealing with Post-Startup Depression

On Hacker News about some time back, someone posted a question on “Dealing with Post Startup Depression” that read I recently shut down my first startup ever. I am having a really tough time getting over it and starting all over again. A feeling of extreme weakness and failure has taken all over me, clouding ...