Teryn O'Brien

Teryn O’Brien is a staff writer for theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media’s mobile livestreaming studio. After working in publishing at Penguin Random House, Teryn launched her own freelance business to help organizations and individuals tell their stories through photography, writing, video, and online marketing strategy. She enjoys mentoring writers and storytellers and spends her free time hiking, writing books, and drinking too much tea.

Latest from Teryn O'Brien

Keeping up marks: University of Arkansas’ digital transformation for 27k students

How does a large university handle the digital transformation? The University of Arkansas boasts about 27,000 students and 5,000 faculty, and it has been embracing the digital transformation over the past few years, tackling challenges like educational virtual desktop infrastructure deployment and diverse student backgrounds and technology capabilities head on. “Like any [information technology] organization, ...

As IT becomes consumerized, delivering ease of use is essential

As the digital transformation grows, customers are demanding more ease of use within information technology — expecting it to be fast and simple just like the apps that people use every day. This makes IT companies wrestle with how to make products and services that do help their customers experience ease of use while still ...

Utility industry slowly embraces digital transformation to move to the cloud

While utility industries are considered to be slow moving when it comes to adopting technological advances like cloud, there are companies continuing to change the way utilities have been run and operated. One of those companies is eMeter, a Siemens AG business — a software development company that focuses on the utility industries. And it has partnered ...

Farming innovations using big data: farming with soil or sunlight

Technological advances in big data, like deep learning, machine learning and automation, are changing the way farming has been traditionally done for generations. Just Greens LLC (DBA AeroFarms) is a company that grows delicious, nutritious leafy greens and herbs without sunlight and soil, and they do so using a combination of technology as they partner ...

Businesses push for hyperconverged infrastructure, server-like capabilities

In order to excel in the hyperconverged infrastructure business, you have to be in the server business and offer a range of flexible options in order to better serve customers’ growing demands. And Dell Technologies Inc. has been pushing for innovation and change to ensure that the company is set up for the future of ...

Dell EMC, NTT help transform Las Vegas into a smart city

How does one build a smart city? The concept is being attempted in Las Vegas with the help of Dell EMC and Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (NTT). What will it look like to transform Las Vegas into a smart city? Howard Elias (pictured, left), president of Dell services, digital and information technology at Dell Technologies ...

70% of organizations could have real-time applications by 2020, says Dell exec

As technology advances, so do the demands of companies and enterprises as they navigate the digital transformation and look to the future of utilizing cloud, leveraging cloud and autonomous infrastructure of cloud. The roadmap ahead is clear, according to many, and the growth has only just begun. “We expect 60 to 70 percent of all ...

State of Louisiana embraces cloud infastructure, looks to multicloud future

While the largest of corporations sign onto the concept of cloud computing and data-driven analytics, governments are also wrestling with these issues, including the State of Louisiana. About four years ago, the State organized 16 federated groups into one large information technology organization. This included public safety, child and family services and hospitals, to name a ...

As AI changes the workforce, more people are still needed

It’s no shock that the workforce is changing. As artificial intelligence and machine learning continue to take off, people often become afraid of losing their jobs or having robots replace them. Yet the future is brighter than people might expect. “Automation, machine learning will extensively change the whole way of working,” said Sebastiaan Laurijsse (pictured), senior ...

Post-Millennials drive future tech with this chief innovation officer

Children are the future, and they are the inspiration for the technological innovation that will come — and Dave Wright (pictured), chief innovation officer of ServiceNow Inc., is using the inspiration that children’s questions and ideas spark to dream about the future of technology when it comes to the way we work, the concept of ...