Tom Foremski
Latest from Tom Foremski
Coming To A Web Site Near You: Apple’s iPay Future
There has been much written lately about Apple’s rules for apps, that they must provide an in-app purchase function. For example, Jason Kincaid wrote: Why Are You People Defending Apple?, MG Siegler wrote: Apple’s Big Subscription Bet: Brilliant, Brazen, Or Batsh*t Crazy? and Frédéric Filloux wrote Apple’s bet on publishing | Monday Note – among ...
Google Social Search Is All About Blocking Facebook/Twitter Search
Google posted: Official Google Blog: An update to Google Social Search …if you’re thinking about climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro and your colleague Matt has written a blog post about his own experience, then we’ll bump up that post with a note and a picture. A person’s social network cannot come close to intersecting with the hundreds ...
Knight and Mozilla Foundations Join to Spur Media Innovation
The Knight Foundation and Mozilla foundation have joined forces to promote “quality journalism and media innovation.” Jose Zamora, writing on the KnightBlog: Years ago, foundations helped place journalism professors in newsrooms and journalists in universities to bridge the education-profession gap and we wondered… What if we did the same for technology? What if we could ...
IBM Invites Thousands To “Social Business Jam” – Business Debate Or Lead Gen?
IBM uses “Jams” online meetings that can include tens of thousands of employees to brainstorm around specific subjects, and it often talks about how they are very successful. IBM is planning a “Social Business Jam” from February 8 to 11, inviting thousands of “leaders” from outside of IBM to look at the evolution of business. ...
IBM And Silicon Valley
As IBM celebrates its centennial this year it is interesting to look at its association with the Silicon Valley area. Although IBM is considered an East Coast computer company it has a long history with this region, long before there was a Silicon Valley. The first IBM presence in the area was established in 1943: ...
IBM 100 Years: From Cheese Slicers to Supercomputers
IBM CEO Sam Palmisano kicked off the company’s celebration of 100 years in business with a speech to students at his alma mater, John Hopkins University. He spoke about how IBM started,”Making clocks, scales and cheese slicers, in addition to the punched card tabulator. After that, it’s a blur: typewriters, vacuum tube calculators, magnetic tape, ...
MIT MBAs Take 9 Lessons Home From Silicon Valley Tour
Guest post by Anagha Ramanujam One hundred and nine students pursuing the Entrepreneurship and Innovation program at the MIT Sloan School of Management began their New Year in the Silicon Valley on the school’s annual, Silicon Valley Study Tour. The school firmly believes that business innovation must drive the economy in the next decade. The ...
The Three Forms of Search, And The Rise of Curation Spam
There seems to be three forms of search emerging as Internet users try to deal with the tsunami of information and the increasingly effective techniques of spammers. The first form of search is Google, and this will continue to be important, as much from habit, and as much as there isn’t much of a choice. ...
Law Firm Merger Creates Silicon Valley M&A King
DLA Piper is merging with Australian partner DLA Phillips, which adds 600 lawyers and creates the world’s largest law firm, which will total more than 4,000 lawyers. The merger strengthens the formidable Silicon Valley presence of DLA Piper with a focus on M&A — a hot area. [Please see WSJ blogs: DLA Piper: Soon to ...