Tom Foremski
Latest from Tom Foremski
2012Watch: Jeff Bezos is Looking Cooler, and Amazon is Getting Hotter
I had the great pleasure of meeting Jeff Bezos a few years ago (right, with Matt Greeley CEO of BrightIdea) and I was very impressed. It was a casual conversation but surprisingly striking in many ways. He clearly loves challenging conventional wisdom and exploring contrarian business strategies. The media loves personalities but there are few ...
An Inside Look at Intel’s Social Media Tracking Technology in Action
Above, is a demonstration of how Intel, the world’s largest chip maker, uses a proprietary monitoring technology called “Social Cockpit” to analyze the flood of social media buzz generated by the massive Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The Intel system works in real-time to identify and track individuals that have said anything online that’s ...
Will a Split Android Market Doom the OS? The Benefits of Diversity
Antonio Rodriguez, a successful serial entrepreneur and now a VC, is very pessimistic about the future of Android. In this post titled: Android as we know it will die in the next two years and what it means for you, he argues that the splintering of the Android market into many different versions will create ...
Interview: Peter Hirshberg and San Francisco’s Innovative Gray Area Foundation for the Arts
I’m a big fan of the Gray Area Foundation For The Arts (GAFFTA), a unique non-profit organization that has a fascinating approach to the arts and technology and it’s efforts to bridge the culture gap between the geek world and the arts, allied with a very strong civic focus. It’s situated in the historic Warfield ...
The Demise of PageRank
Aaron Wall over at SEOBook, has put together an infographic explaining how Google has made the organic link irrelevant. It’s ironic that Google’s actions have largely devalued the search rank benefits of a link from another website. Yet this “PageRank,”named after CEO Larry Page, was the heart and soul of the Google algorithm. It was ...
Perfect Timing for Facebook IPO? Outsourcing Risks to New Investors
Mark Zuckerberg is everywhere: Interviews on prime time US and foreign TV; features in leading newspapers and magazines — it’s one almighty PR push: Facebook is prepping for an IPO. The reason for the publicity blitz is that once Facebook files for an IPO it enters a quiet period during which it can’t make any ...
Out & About: Media Masses at Googleplex and Why I Don’t Hate Google
I popped into the annual media party at the Googleplex. There was a decent turnout of familiar faces but with some having switched sides. A few of years ago I reported that Google was deliberately avoiding hiring journalists or experienced PR people and recruiting straight from universities for its corporate communications teams. That policy has ...
How Intel Could Win in Tablets and Cell Phones By Protecting Developers Against Patent Wars
Brooke Crothers, at CNET, reports that Intel is stepping in to help manufacturers create ultrabooks, and it has a $300 million fund to help integrate key technologies such as touch interfaces and battery technologies. With the goal of getting smaller PC makers to supply branded ultrabooks, Intel will hold a meeting Wednesday in Taipei as ...
Former ICANN Chairman Warns Opposition to New Domain Names Could Fracture the Internet
Peter Dengate-Thrush, the recent chairman of ICANN, the Internet regulatory body, warned that opposition to ICANN’s new top level domain names (TLDs) could encourage some countries to split from the Internet. In an interview with SVW, he said opposition by the US Association of National Advertisers (ANA), which represents large US corporations, threatens the independence ...