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VMworld 2010: A Look at Security and Complexity
Back a few months at EMC World 2010 in Boston, one of the more interesting proclamations about securing cloud computing came from Joe Tucci who said, and I’m paraphrasing “VMware is the tip of the security spear” for private cloud, and cloud computing in generation. This make sense of course, given the important role of ...
Howie XU and [Secure] Distributed, Virtual Networking
One the heels of the vFabric buzz that opened VMworld 2010 in San Francisco, Day 3 showcased Howie Xu, R&D Director at VMworld, and his vision for the next gen of virtualized networks, that easily and effectively connect end-users and access devices to application workload regardless of location. Howie defined VMworld’s vision of distributed virtualized ...
vCSD Puts VMware Security Front and Center
The security promise of VMware’s Virtual Cloud Service Delivery (vCSD) is clear and simple: to allow business to extend beyond datacenters to external infrastructure service providers with interoperable, consistent, and measurable security and audit capabilities. To state this another way, vCSD puts the “private” in public clouds by enabling a set of security capabilities, audit ...