Steven Hodson

Steven Hodson is the Media Editor for SiliconANGLE, and is a long time computer and Internet watcher having seen both develop for the cutting edge days of the XT right through to the mobile revolution. He has also spent many years writing about our world's fascination with technology and social media often with a critical eye, both on his own for sites like Mashable and The Inquistr. He currently spends his time recovering from tech and social media overload by hanging out with, and writing about, geeks and the things they love.

Latest from Steven Hodson

Sneak Peek: Windows 7 Slate and Windows Phone 7

For those of you who don’t think Microsoft is worth paying any attention to the fact that their Worldwide Partner Conference is happening in Washington DC probably couldn’t care less that a whole line of upcoming slates running Windows 7 was announced. However for those of you who do this is pretty good news because ...

The Microsoft Lay-off Game: Don’t Bet Against the House (or the Managers)

It started Tuesday. Word was that at some point we would start hearing about the lay-offs that where to be starting to happen at Microsoft. Well turns out that little rumor is in fact … well … fact. Now don’t get me wrong – lay-offs of any kind suck major monkey balls but the problem ...

There’s No Silver Bullet for Windows Security

I always get a chuckle out posts about Windows needs to do more about security which pop up ever once in awhile and especially when a new versions of Windows is being talked about. I’m not suggesting that Microsoft shouldn’t do everything that it can but when I see posts from people like Harry McCracken ...

When the ISPs Worry About ACTA, You Know We’re in Deep

I have written quite a bit about the whole ACTA mess because to me this is one of the most dangerous pieces of global trade laws that has ever been put together. It is well documented that the driving force behind ACTA has been the US entertainment industry that is looking to grab as much ...

Google is no Sophia Loren – more like Ugly Betty

There is no getting around it – Google sucks when it comes to the Social Web, or in marketing speak – Social Media. Unlike the other leaders in the field Google’s efforts have either been complete flops or just disparate efforts scattered around the Web. Even in those efforts that have gained a modicum of ...