Microsoft’s peripheral for the Xbox 360 has been dubbed the Fastest-Selling Consumer Electronics Device by the Guinness Book of World Records. After their explosively popular debut that left pretty much every other similar peripheral in the dust, this could be considered the jewel in the crown of excellent timing and good product work.
I’ve been covering the Kinect and how it’s affected the technology industry for quite some time and the fact that its sales were initially volcanic has never left my desk. It’s only been four months since its glittering debut and it’s never left center stage—and now they’ve exceeded the 10 million mark.
ReadWriteWeb brings us the statistics and some commentary on this amusement for Microsoft,
According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Kinect sold at “an average of 133,333 units per day, for a total of 8 million units in its first 60 days on sale from 4 November 2010 to 3 January 2011,” leaving both the iPhone and the iPad in the dust. As a matter of fact, when Kinect hit the market, 2 million units hit consumers’ homes in half the time it took for the iPad.
Gaz Deaves, an editor for the Guinness Book of World Records, says that the sales figures are truly remarkable.
“The sales figures here speak for themselves,” said Deaves. “We can confirm that no other consumer electronics device sold faster within a 60-day time span, an incredible achievement considering the strength of the sector.”
The Kinect sales probably also drove up Xbox 360 sales in November, causing it to account for over 40% of total industry sales. Ever since it’s appearance on the market and the huge interest by homebrew hackers, the Kinect has been an industry and futurist darling—and Microsoft has been struggling to keep up with its popularity.
I don’t know how hard it is to find a Kinect on the shelves these days, but it makes me wonder if it’s anything like what seemed to happen with the Nintendo Wii when it was first released.
Microsoft has done extremely well this round; they deserve to pat themselves on the back.
Way to go Kinect!