While most of the tech industry’s attention was focused on the Consumer Electronics Show Monday, a startup called Attic Labs Inc. quietly made a big announcement: It has been bought by Salesforce.com Inc. in the cloud giant’s first acquisition of the year.
The terms of the deal were not disclosed. However, it’s reasonable to assume that the price tag was in the eight figures given that Attic Labs has raised over $8 million from investors. This is further reaffirmed by the wording of the funding announcement. The post suggests that Salesforce didn’t merely absorb the startup’s engineering talent in an acquihire, but also plans to apply its technology internally.
Attic Labs, which SiliconANGLE profiled in 2016, has created a decentralized database dubbed Nom that differs a great deal from other systems. The open-source platform is most comparable to the Git version control tool commonly used in software development projects.
Designed for storing spreadsheet-style relational records, Nom provides the ability to replicate information across multiple database instances that can run entirely independently from one another. Not even an Internet connection is required. Users may separately modify the information on each deployment and, when the need arises, easily sync them back up.
Nom has conflict resolution features for reconciling diverging records in reconnected database instances. Moreover, past edits are kept on file so that users may restore old information should the situation call for it.
These features lends themselves to a number of specialized applications. Chief among them is the development of collaborative services that enable multiple remote users to work on a piece of content without the risk of overwriting information from another contributor.
As a result, it’s not surprising that the Attic Labs team will be joining Salesforce’s Quip division. The group, which came aboard through a $582 million acquisition in late 2016, offers a platform similar to Google Docs that allows teams to collaboratively author documents. It also supports spreadsheets and embedded widgets that can stream data from external sources into a file.