Hooman Radfar

Latest from Hooman Radfar

Live Tweeting from the Social Graph Symposium.

Rapleaf and Microsoft are hosting an amazing group of folks at the Social Graph Symposium. The Social Graph Symposium is an all-day, invite only event, bringing together the top academics, experts, influencers, executives, and other prominent figures with a vested interest in the social graph. The event will be centered around the social graph and ...

Google Buzz and the Social Inbox War

Google has officially started a war.  With the launch of their life-streaming product this week, Buzz, competitors with established mail products such as Yahoo, Microsoft, and AOL are now officially on notice.  Get social – fast. Buzz is Google’s response to Twitter.  For those of you that have tried the product, you will quickly see ...

First Week Review: Five Features Google Buzz Needs

Ok, so I have been using (strong word) Google Buzz and I – like all geeks – have compiled my wish-list of features.  So let it be written, so let it be done. MUST HAVE FEATURES: Better summary of recent posts – it’s difficult to quickly skim and see if something’s interesting…this narrows the funnel ...

Social Inbox Wars: Microsoft Launches Social Connector

Amidst all the buzz around Google Buzz, Microsoft fires their own shot across the bow via the Outlook desktop email client – Social Connector.  According to the Microsoft Blog: The Outlook Social Connector is a set of new features to help keep track of your friends and colleagues while enabling you to grow your professional ...