As previously reported by SiliconAngle, Apple has recently released Ping, a social networking enhancement along with iTunes 10. And it looks like it’s already run into its first apparent snag, according to an article at Engadget,
…the company was making a last-second change to its new Ping social-network-for-music: the removal of Facebook Connect for finding friends. Seriously — although an option to find friends via Facebook was conspicuously present during Steve’s keynote demos, it’s not there anymore. Oddly, the option was there at the very beginning — several Engadget staffers definitely saw a Facebook button when they signed up for Ping last night, and there’s a whole thread on Apple’s support site of people who also saw it and are now wondering where it’s gone.
Unconfirmed reports seem to suggest that this isn’t a deliberate snub by Apple of Facebook—as they seem quite held to actually using Facebook with Ping—but instead some sort of technological snafu.
Further rumors seem to angle currently towards a problem with Facebook, not Apple’s Ping, that’s causing the issue. The resulting errors, generated on Facebook’s site, appear to have been more than enough for Apple to yank the support for the time being while the bug is being repaired.
Right now, Ping’s friend finder feature has left much to be desired at the hands of many reviewers; however, the revelation that the Connect feature is currently broken could explain a lot of the frustration. Perhaps once that’s working properly again, reviewers will warm up to this new music-social contribution.
We’ll keep everyone updated if we see Facebook Connect reappear on Ping.