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Data in the generative AI era: We need more knowledge engineers

Name the hot buttons about generative artificial intelligence, and they often center around data. Here’s just one example. A recent survey of more than 300 risk and compliance professionals on AI by risk management firm Riskonnect revealed top concerns over data privacy and cyber issues. It was followed closely by employee decisions based on erroneous ...

Predictions for 2025 from theCUBE Research’s top analysts

Make no mistake: We are entering a technology cycle that is completely new. Massively parallel computing and the generative artificial intelligence awakening is creating an entirely different industry focus that has altered customer spending patterns. Moreover, this new computing paradigm has changed competitive dynamics almost overnight. Decisions whether to devote tens of billions or hundreds of ...

Building a business case for continuous data quality assurance

Good data quality is crucial for successful data and analytics initiatives and is increasingly pivotal to artificial intelligence impact. D&A leaders, including chief data and analytics officers, are also having to contend with an ever-more complex business environment, with ever-more complex data needs and challenges. This is being further compounded by the growing need for ...

Top 10 enterprise technology predictions: What’s coming in 2025

At the beginning of each year, as is our tradition, we collaborate with Enterprise Technology Research to dig through the latest data and craft 10 predictions for the coming year. This year’s batch follows some annual favorites and new territory. In this Breaking Analysis, we put forth our top 10 predictions for enterprise tech in 2025 ...

Prioritizing AppDev resilience in 2025: Insights from theCUBE Research

As the digital landscape evolves throughout 2025, theCUBE Research’s new insights reveal a year of transformation and interconnectedness in application security trends, focusing on development, cyber resiliency and data protection. The interplay between these domains reflects a clear industry shift: Organizations are prioritizing resilience and efficiency while addressing the ever-present threat of cyberattacks. From AI-augmented ...

Predictions 2025: Data renaissance, systems of agency, LAMs, SAMs and security threats

In just two short years, the entire data and technology industry has undergone a seismic shift. Tech stacks — from top to bottom — are being tuned to harness extreme parallel computing, often called accelerated computing. From silicon to infrastructure and throughout the software layer, nowhere is this transformation more pronounced than in the data ...

How Nvidia is creating a $1.4T data center market in a decade of AI

A trillion-dollar shift unfolds We are witnessing the rise of a completely new computing era. Within the next decade, a trillion-dollar-plus data center business is poised for transformation, powered by what we refer to as extreme parallel computing, or EPC — or as some prefer to call it, accelerated computing. Though artificial intelligence is the primary accelerant, ...

Data 2025 outlook: AI drives a renaissance of data

It’s hard to ignore the elephant in the room: Generative artificial intelligence pretty much dominated the conversation in 2024, and going forward that’s not likely to change anytime soon. Given that generative AI burst onto the scene barely a couple years back, it’s not surprising that innovations on refining generative models to make them more sustainable and useful are making the ...

How AI can supercharge security operations

Artificial intelligence is well on its way to disrupt the world of cybersecurity, but some areas of cybersecurity are more ripe for early disruption than others. In a recent survey by Insight Partners, security operations (along with AppSec) was ranked as the No. 1 cybersecurity area where chief information security officers are looking to implement ...

The yellow brick road to agentic AI

The road to agentic artificial intelligence will be paved with stepping stones that progressively build on each other. Our research suggests that agentic AI will not suddenly appear without a strong data foundation built on: 1) cloud-like scalability; 2) a unified metadata model; 3) data mesh organizing principles; 4) harmonized data and business process logic; and an ...