Google still doesn’t support OpenID login, but a new update brings the ability to use OpenID for the Google signup process for Yahoo users. It’s a one-click process that allows you to use your Yahoo credentials to register for a Google account, which brings with it apps o’plenty–Gmail, Docs, Reader, AdWords, etc.
The move is a nod to OpenID’s gaining standards, as well as the importance of Yahoo’s consumers. It’s a way for Google to support OpenID in a preliminary manner, also indicating future implementations of OpenID standards. From the Google blog,
“Currently, Google only offers this feature for Yahoo! users. However, as it is based on an Internet standard, we plan to use it in the future with other email providers that add support for this usage of OpenID and related standards like OAuth, such as in the Microsoft Live identity APIs.”
As Google furthers its efforts to gain widespread consumer recognition through countless points of access, it will continue to seek ways to make registration an easier and more necessary process. Yahoo remains an important brand in the eyes of consumers, as demonstrated by a recent survey from Echo. As for OpenID, it continues to gain support, even by federal agencies.