Target has just announced it will start carrying 4 different models of the Apple iPad, as of October 3rd. These include the 16, 24 and 36GB models as well as the Wi-Fi 3G model. It’s of course, in time for the holiday shopping season, through a retailer that looks forward to this time of year, running dozens of promotions during the marketing flurries.
The discount chain says the iPad will be covered under the retailer’s 5% discount for store creditcard holders, which is a program rolling out Oct. 17. The demand for the iPad is still strong, and Target’s added discount will bring interested buyers. It’s a tactic Walmart is known for, and Target’s been operating a similar methodology with a number of products. For these tiered, chain retailers, it’s also become a great way to target consumers, with plenty of spill-over into social and mobile marketing.
The move better positions Apple as well, expanding its consumer reach in strides. The brand has been selective in its retailer partnerships, and stringent on the pricing of its products. So there’s only so much wiggle room Target, or any other worthy retailer, can offer in this regard. This extends a comfortable market for Apple, bringing uniformity to its supply and demand.