It’s official. Auction and online selling giant, Amazon has already hailed up the red flag and is currently battling Diapers.com within the pricing arena. Diapers.com is under the large roof of the mother company—Quidsi.
There have been reports that noted Amazon’s several attempts to buy out Diapers.com. The latter refuses to sell for various reasons. Diapers.com is a $100-300 million worth of company and made this much inside Amazon’s property. Over the years, Diaper.com is one of the most successful in their industry. With this move of Amazon, selling items and purchases may be deemed as one of the best updates ever done by the site within years.
Another report has hinted that this sudden change of tactics and selling statistics has reported will be used to disarm and push down other competitor companies. After the refusal, it seems that Amazon is really dead serious in taking down the opponents. Now, aside from offering diapers, Amazon has also placed markdowns on the items on sale.
Recently, Procter and Gamble explored shopping capabilities that transpire in Facebook. All purchases are powered by no less than Amazon. This initiative was able to generate 1000 (packs) unit sales for P&G in less than an hour of posting in the most popular social networking company in this sphere. With this, Amazon takes this opportunity as a gateway to intrude Facebook and other large social network to enhance its recommendations and outreach strategies.
Today, Amazon created a better viewing capability of the site. In recent months, Amazon’s been no stranger to pricing wars. The retailer is also looking to edge out other eReaders, including the Barnes & Noble Nook, and others. eCommerce in general has been putting on its armor suits, with Shopzilla making gains this last quarter, and international partnerships being forged in all corners of the world to make online shopping a global affair.