The fact we talk about IT in a transformation tells a story in itself. We are acknowledging that the enterprise has to change in a universal manner. But the discovery is not in the term itself but what people are doing to foster change and create an environment for innovation.
We thought it might be helpful to look through interviews we’ve done in the past year to hear what CIOs say about the the way IT is transforming. We found three that give a picture of what people are really doing to affect change and make transformations that has impacts on the business.
Rob Strickland, former CIO, T-Mobile
In this interview, Strickland discusses the challenges of customer experience in the Web age. For him, “Shadow IT,” meant running around playing “whack a mole” as business users sought out their own solutions to tracking customers. New services provide a way to offer analytics on top of a data store. For example, ClickFox running analytics on top of EMC Greenplum.
Watch live video from SiliconANGLE.com on Justin.tvBruce Schinelli, CIO, TTX
Bruce Schinelli talks about virtualization and what he considers big data. Both terms represent how the enterprise is transforming as CIOs seek efficiencies in the data center and ways to provide innovation, too.
TTX is North America’s largest rail car provider. On TheCube, Schinelli talks about the company’s move to virtualization and his views on the concept of big data.
Watch live video from SiliconANGLE.com on Justin.tvOliver Bussman, CIO, SAP
Oliver Bussman says in SAP’s environment all its dashboards are on Business Objects tools. Reports can be accessed on the iPad. The next step? SAP has moved three terabytes of data to an in-memory appliance.
For your reference, here’s a pretty decent demonstration by Timo Elliott of SAP, showing BusinessObjects Explorer for iPad.