Diets always start tomorrow, right? Guilty? I am. With a busy schedule, going to the gym is a luxury. Greens alone will not supply enough energy I need for my on-the-go lifestyle. Cleansing diets endorsed by celebrities are just too expensive. I am not flexible enough for yoga or Pilates. And excuses such as the preceding statements will never run out for most of us.
Addressing these all-too-human alibies, the personal cloud and mobility technology team up to promote healthcare tracking with ease. Today, we see thousands of apps that are available for download on our smartphones, free and paid alike, that will help humankind monitor their health in just few clicks.
As stated in Greatlist.com’s comprehensive guide to tracking health and fitness, smartphones and the personal cloud are now providing “busy” and “on-the-go” people like myself options to access health apps that will aid me in losing weight by tracking what I eat and identifying patterns in energy levels and weight gains. Motivation, accountability, planning and maintaining a strict level of consistency will not require as much effort as before.
The personal cloud is a very major parcel in the dawning healthcare IT era. Significant cloud spending directed to health and medical related projects have been recorded together with the estimated $518 million in IaaS expenditure by 2015. These support the booming trend of integrating cloud and healthcare services. There have been a number of developments in this area, including the spur in mobile health applications hastened by Android, iPhone devices.
In an article, Victoria Petrock, an eMarketer research analyst who perpetrated the report on mobile health marketing, noted the correlation of mobile and healthcare in today’s culture:
“Mobile is giving consumers the control to help them better manage chronic diseases. As they embrace mobile devices and platforms to find and share information and monitor bio-data, more consumers are taking charge of their personal health and wellness. This presents an opportunity for marketers to encourage healthier behaviors and personalize the delivery of healthcare information and services.”
Industry leader IBM’s Watson technology is also now being commercially used as a medical consultant that will aid hospitals and doctors to come up with more accurate diagnoses for patients. Still in the medical field we see Practice Fusion, a web-based electronic records service provider, has raised $6 million to fuel their start-up business. But since these involve safekeeping confidential informative, patients may worry about their healthcare data security. More stringent rules through HIPAA will be imposed to ensure healthcare data privacy. Overseas, HP will bring next-level technology and version 2.0 of HP Digital Hospital Solution to Australia.
As the term “cloud” widens to encompass more complex services, its benefits that are comprehensible to the simple citizen gives it a more “earthly” meaning. Diet plans, food and fitness tracking, healthy meal plans and recipes, glucose level monitoring, identifying sleeping patterns and possible medical risks—you name it, and apps stores have it. With the personal cloud on your side and a pinch of discipline, that heavenly body the cloud holds before you may not be a lofty dream for too much longer.
More Health and Fitness News & Tips at Greatist.