After much hype from Samsung’s teaser video, plus rumors of an impending Nexus Prime or Droid Prime powered by the upcoming Android Ice Cream Sandwich OS update, fandroids are excited for the Samsung Mobile Unpacked event in San Diego, California on October 11, 2011.
But before you exhaust yourself or start camping out at the CTIA Fall, Samsung and Google decided to postpone the event and issued a joint statement,
“Samsung and Google decide to postpone the new product announcement at CTIA Fall. We agree that it is just not the right time to announce a new product. New date and venue will be shortly announced.”
Many weren’t surprised with the cancellation, as most of them deem that the device was too good to be true, even if the leaked video seemed so real. Some think the event was cancelled because the event won’t get too much press attention in San Diego and will move the event to New York; or that the device isn’t ready and needs polishing; or they want people to get over the iPhone 4S fever before they launch the product.
But most are reading the underlying meaning of their statement as they postponed the event in respect for Apple founder Steve Jobs’ passing. No one can deny how massive Jobs’ impact is in technology, but also in the lives of ordinary people.
Whatever their reason may be, fandroids will surely wait for the launch of this super phone, so Samsung and Google shouldn’t worry about fandroids jumping ship to get an iPhone 4S.