After hosting companies Carpathia Hosting Inc. and Cogent Communications Group Inc. stated that they will hold Megaupload files for two more weeks even after the U.S. government gave them the go signal to delete them, Carpathia announced that they will be aiding the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), an international non-profit digital rights advocacy and legal organization based in the United States, in collecting stories of legitimate users who want to access their files in Megaupload.
“Carpathia does not have access to any data for Megaupload customers,” wrote Brian Winter of Carpathia. “We have no immediate plans to reprovision some or all of the Megaupload servers. This means that there is no imminent data loss for Megaupload customers. If this situation changes, we will post a notice at least 7 days in advance of reprovisioning any Megaupload servers at www.Carpathia.com and www.MegaRetrieval.com.“
The EFF believes that there are many legal users of Megaupload, and it was unjust how they were not give notice that the site will be shutdown or, given a chance to retrieve their files. If you believe that you are one of the victims in the Megaupload shutdown who have no infringing files, the EFF encourages you to send an e-mail to Megauploadmissing@eff.org. Since they are still in the preliminary investigation stage, a quick response should not be expected.
EFF Staff Attorney Julie Samuels states that her organization is “troubled that so many lawful users of Megaupload.com had their property taken from them without warning and that the government has taken no steps to help them. We think it’s important that these users have their voices heard as this process moves forward.”