The British sci-fi TV series, Doctor Who is back for its seventh season on BBC. The season’s first episode, Doctor Who – Asylum of the Daleks, premiered on September 1st in the UK and ABC TV was quick to follow suit, airing the episode on their iView service just a day after the premier. The move was said to be done to address the issue of piracy.
ABC1 Controller Brendan Dahill said, “For Doctor Who fans, it is a fantastic opportunity to see new episodes within hours of them premiering in the UK – each episode will be available on iview on Sundays.”
“ABC’s iview is the most watched catch-up service in Australia with 48% of online Australians aged 16+ having accessed iview,” said Dahill.
“The new iview app for iphones and iPod Touch, launched on June 26th, has seen a phenomenal 434,000 downloads recorded to date – with 210,000 downloads recorded in its first week.”
Doctor Who is an iconic TV show that made its way into people’s live in 1963. It originally ran until 1989, and in 1996 they made a TV movie in the hopes of reviving the series, but failed. It wasn’t until 2005 that they were successful in their attempt. Since its relaunch, Doctor Who has received numerous awards including being named as the Guinness World Records’ longest-running sci-fi TV show in the world.
A lot of people all over the world are big fans of the show and who could blame them? Who wouldn’t want to be a Time Lord? Since time-travel is still just a dream, you can enjoy Doctor Who’s adventures with the following apps:
Doctor Who: The Mazes of Time for $2.99 – this is a puzzle-adventure game wherein you play both The Doctor and Amy pond to solve mind-boggling puzzles that features the Daleks, Cybermen, and Silurians.
Doctor Who Comics – free – this is great for newbies, helping you understand the backstory and context of every adventure of The Doctor.
Doctor Who iWho – $1.99- an app companion for people who always wants to be updated with everything happening about Doctor Who.
iAmADalek (Doctor Who) – free – voice changer app that lets you transform your voice into, yes, you guessed it, a Dalek’s voice. This is a fun app, life needs not to be serious all the time.
Now, if you want to go the extra mile and have a few Doctor Who gadgets to call your own, here’s some products to consider:
TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space) pendant – if you love the old London Police Box used as the disguise for a time machine and a spacecraft, this is the accessory for you and much smaller than the real thing.
TARDIS phone cover – if you’re not fond of wearing necklaces but still want a TARDIS in your collection, then TARDIS phone cover might be your best bet.
Sonic screwdriver pendant – the sonic screw driver is The Doctor’s primary tool–a multifunction tool that helps him get out of a troublesome situation. I’m sure you’d love to get your hands on a real sonic screwdriver and do with it as you wish, but that’s not going to happen so just settle for this pendant – for now.