Big Data has been a hot topic over the past year and it does not look like the hype surrounding the subject will wither away anytime soon. In fact, it will continue to grow in numbers and popularity. Wikibon recently came out with a report that showed last year’s Big Data market had reached $11.4 billion. Next year, Wikibon projects the market will reach $18.1 billion, and by 2017 it will exceed $47 billion. The numbers don’t lie. This is definitely a booming industry, but is it growing too fast for the job market to keep up?
Gap between big data skills and the workforce
Wikibon’s report touched on how there is a lack of data scientists and analytic specialists in the market, creating a gap between the jobs opening up as a result of a burgeoning Big Data field and the skilled workers qualified to take on the economy’s newest challenges. As more people look to data science for its job security, the more education programs we see emerging from academia. There’s also several firms, IBM in particular, that work closely with colleges and universities to craft data science curriculum nurturing the Big Data work force of tomorrow. The more trained data scientists we have in the field, the more insight we have on data sets in order to leverage that information for smarter actions.
Because it is a popular topic, it would only make sense for universities to offer a major for students around the subject so that we can mold experts in Big Data for the future. In technology, or any field for that matter, knowledge is the water and nutrients to a seed of a new idea or invention. It cannot grow without proper care.
IBM sees the potential in the data science field, which is why the company has been working with numerous top universities in the country to create a curriculum for business and technology students to follow if they are interested in a data science career after they graduate. This is not the company’s first time to get so heavily involved in creating data scientists through academia — it’s been a longstanding effort for IBM in particular, and the school spirit is spreading.
Thanks to IBM’s recent partnership with OSU, the school will be seeing new coursework in Big Data and business. Christine Poon, Dean of Fisher School of Business, said the school wants to attract students to the graduate program that have enough quantitative analytical grounding as well as a lot of strong business training. The third component will of course be a lot of hands-on training and internships. Poon hopes that the students can gain experience at IBM.
If you already received an undergraduate degree and would still like to enter the data science world, it is not too late. Michigan State University offers a program in Business Analytics, which is a great Masters degree for potential data scientists. You can obtain the degree within three consecutive semesters, receiving 31.5 credits within one year.
1. Carnegie Melon University – B.I. & data analytics
2. Fordham University – business analytics
3. Michigan State – business analytics
4. New York University – business analytics
5. Oakland University – business analytics
6. Stevens Institute – B.I. & analytics
7. Syracuse – data science
8. University of Washington – data science
9. University of San Francisco – B.I.
10. University of South Florida – B.I.
11. University of Sherbrooke – B.I.
Education can be the key that closes the gap between the lack of data scientists and growth in the data market. As with any developing business, there is always room for improvement and with more experienced and trained hands on the field, I forsee the improvement happening rapidly.