UPDATED 14:00 EDT / MAY 27 2013


#Glassholes In Your Face With Lots of Porn XXX

Glassholes – you just know that the word’s gonna catch on, and soon. Why? Because some Google Glass wearers are going to be a bunch of annoying perverts, that’s why. If they’re not right there, in your face every five minutes trying to snap photos every five minutes, you’ll be left to wonder just what the hell they are looking it while they’re sat there with a dreamy grin on their face.

Google Glass In Your Face


A new video has surfaced on YouTube which shows how Glasshole photographers might be able to use the device to take images of their muse.

Grovo, an online service that offers free video tutorials and online training about updates to your favorite websites, released Google Glass Photographer, a video portraying the future of photographers using Google Glass as their primary shooting device and getting in the face of people.  Though the video is quite funny, what they portray actually has a high probability of becoming a reality.  Not that it’ll be real photographers doing so, it’ll be the mainstream users we need to worry about.

Google Glass Gets It On


The porn industry is pretty excited about Google Glass, as the device promises to open up a whole new opportunity for them: point-of-view porn.

POV porn isn’t an entirely new concept, as some pervs already like to use hand-held recording devices to ‘entertain’ themselves in this way, but one of the problems with doing so is that their hand/s are constrained, and thus, they’re unable to do ‘everything’ that they’d like.  With Google Glass though, POV porn will be taken to a whole new level, giving pervy wearers the ability to shoot close-up shots whilst having both hands free to explore their partner/s to their heart’s content.

“We can get shots that we never could before because of the placement and size of the camera. Is it the future of porn? I don’t know. But I am excited to try it and see,” Lee Roy Myers of WoodRocket.com said in an interview with Business Insider.

MiKandi, an adult app store that offers pornographic content and channels, has already confirmed that a Google Glass app for porn is in the works, and the company is mighty proud that it’s the first company to be working on such content.

“Google Glass Porn has been making its rounds, and while studios are intrigued, no one seems to be doing anything about it,” said MiKandi Co-founder Jennifer McEwen in an interview with CNet.

“So I wanted to let you know that we picked up our Glass and, yup, we’re making content for it.  As far as I know, we’re one of the few, if not the only, adult companies with the device right now. So far, it’s really fun!

If Google Glass is used to make porn, or if porn apps for Google Glass gets released, then the term “Glasshole” will likely be even more fitting for those who wear it than we first though.

If you missed SiliconANGLE’s roundup on Glassholes, check out Rise of the #Glassholes : Superior Tweets, Photos + Videos.

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