TheCube stopped by Hadoop Summit in San Jose to bring you the latest news and analysis from the Big Data ecosystem. Near the end of Day 1, SiliconAngle founding CEO John Furrier and Wikibon’s Dave Vellante and Jeff Kelly assembled for a special discussion about the industry and the intense price competition in the Hadoop marketplace.
Dave highlights that the industry has changed a lot in the past couple of years: practitioners who once regarded Hadoop as a mere point of interest are now building use cases atop the framework. He mentions that Merv Adrian, an analyst for Gartner, said that 70 percent of enterprise users plan to implement the platform in their environments within the next two years.
Dave adds that security was a central topic at Hadoop Summit, and notes that the top vendors are taking different approaches to monetizing Hadoop. Hortonworks is doubling down on open-source while Cloudera is mixing open with proprietary and MapR is putting an open spin on its commercial software.
Jeff agrees that a lot of progress has been made, and points out that governance is another important consideration for companies that are implementing Hadoop in their production environments.
John brings up Hortonworks’ recently closed funding round. In his view, the financing reflects the strength of the Hadoop market and lowers the chance Hortonworks will be picked up by a major vendor in the near future. He changes the topic to Pivotal, and remarks that the firm’s quiet presence at the Summit is a testament to the fact that Hadoop is only one item on its Big Data agenda. That could be good news for players such as Cloudera, which Jeff says is moving up the stack to “where the real value is.” Rival Hortonworks is staying focused on Hadoop and YARN.
Check out the video below for the full highlights.