WANdisco is making big gains in the Hadoop ecosystem with its active-active replication technology. The company’s Non-Stop Name Node platform promises to eliminate the single point of failure inherent in the framework by synchronizing all NameNode servers deployed over a WAN. This approach has the added benefit of minimizing the chance of data corruption.
The latest version of the solution features several major enhancements, including the ability to add and remove NameNodes on the fly without risking downtime. This addition is joined by new node configurations that deliver improved availability and higher CPU utilization, and a rapid recovery function for nodes that have been unavailable for extended periods of time.
“Non-Stop NameNode WAN Edition is designed to meet the 100% uptime requirements of today’s enterprises,” said David Richards, the chief executive officer of WANdisco. “The enhancements within this release further ensure mission-critical Big Data applications can scale as workload grows and keep running even if an entire data center goes down.”
WANdisco announced Non-Stop NameNode 1.1 a few days before it received an integration and interoperability certification from Dell. According to the company, customers can now deploy the platform on the hardware vendor’s PowerEdge servers.
Non-Stop NameNode was introduced in June to complement the WANdisco Distro (WDD,) an open source Hadoop distribution that ships with the company’s active-active replication software. The most notable feature of WDD 3.6 is that it’s fully compatible with Amazon S3, which means that enterprises can deploy the service in-house and seamlessly migrate applications and data between their on-premise environments and the cloud.
Also new in v3.6 are connectors that make it much simpler for developers to import data sets from web servers, data appliances, RDBMS servers and other traditional silos into HDFS.