Getting paid for your posts on Facebook would sure come as a relief to avid users of the social network whose large number of followers creates fantastic revenue, that goes one way only. A recent survey that has been circulating points to the possibility of this coming true – the survey was found by The Verge today.
It seems that verified users of Facebook, including the one that wrote the story for The Verge, are being sent a questionnaire and asked to add their feedback on a number of new features to Facebook. One of these features is the possibility of users making money from posts. This could take the form of a “tip jar”, branded content, or simply getting a piece of the money Facebook earns from ad content.
The survey also included the question whether users would like to see a “call to action” button which would allow followers to give a donation. Another new feature mentioned in the survey was a “sponsor marketplace” option which would join users with advertisers.
If Facebook does go through with this it will be somewhat of a turnaround, as up until recently Facebook had not been very charitable concerning its busy users. This changed somewhat when the social network started paying customers for published news stories, under the new feature of Instant Articles.
Given that Facebook is hedging its bets on real-time sharing becoming very popular, and given Facebook has some competition in this area from the likes of Twitter’s Periscope et al., then monetizing content will surely prove to be enticing for current and potential users. One way to make Facebook the go-to platform for celebs, brands, or anyone with a large following would be to give something back. Of course just tips from a large following would drive quality content.
On the possibility of this happening a spokesperson for Facebook has been widely quoted in various media, saying, “It’s still very early, but we’re committed to creating sustainable, long-term monetization models for our partners and we’re listening to feedback.”