As the OpenStack hype fades, the real work starts to get done. Speaking from the OpenStack Summit at the Austin Convention Center in Austin, Texas, Stu Miniman (@stu) and Brian Gracely (@bgracely), cohosts of theCUBE, from the SiliconANGLE Media team, discussed the keynote address by pure play leader in the space Mirantis, Inc. and asked if enterprise is really ready to accept and trust OpenStack.
Gracely summed up the underlying message from the Mirantis keynote as: “We love the enterprise, and you can trust us,” he said.
Opening with a quote from Prince, “Life is just a party, but parties weren’t meant to last,” Gracely talked about how OpenStack is becoming “less sexy” as it matures and the community realizes that OpenStack has a role but doesn’t have to take on everything.
The discussion covered topics including:
Gracely wrapped up the discussion by pointing out that unlike other events theCUBE attends, OpenStack Summit is not dominated by one vendor. “This is a community event,” he said. “It is always about the users.”
Watch the full interview below, and be sure to check out more of SiliconANGLE and theCUBE’s coverage of OpenStack Summit — Austin. And make sure to weigh in during theCUBE’s live coverage at the event by joining in on CrowdChat.