Webroot, Inc. announced the release of Webroot BrightCloud Threat Intelligence for IoT (Internet of Things) Gateways. The cybersecurity service aims to augment real-time protection against malicious threats, unauthorized network access, and Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.
The service is available to Webroot’s Gateway partners as well as IoT developers.
Webroot is a company that specializes in next-generation endpoint security and cloud-based collective threat intelligence.
The IoT gateways market is expected to reach $12.64 billion by 2022 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.2 percent between 2016 and 2022. The continuous growth in demand for smartphones and other connected devices, as well as the increase use of wireless sensors and networks, and cloud computing, are seen as the major driving force for the IoT gateways.
Gateways may be the next big thing in IoT, but it is not without roadblocks as many are built without sufficient security or intelligence to properly protect critical infrastructure. Webroot is addressing this problem with Smarter Cybersecurity via its BrightCloud Threat Intelligence for IoT Gateways. This service will enable IoT Solution providers, IoT platform providers, and managed security service providers (MSSPs) to secure their systems against advanced and persistent network based threats.
“IoT gateways are now being designed to serve as a bridge between intelligent things, IP addressable systems, and their command and control systems,” said John Sirianni, vice president of IoT strategic partnerships at Webroot. “However, when it comes to protecting critical infrastructure, traditional cybersecurity approaches are difficult to integrate and often don’t keep pace with operational devices. BrightCloud Threat Intelligence for IoT Gateways offers the most effective way to secure critical, cloud-connected infrastructure against malicious inbound and outbound communications in real-time by using collective threat intelligence.”
Utilizing Webroot’s software development kit (SDK), REST services, or API, IoT Gateway manufacturers and IoT Platform, providers can integrate BrightCloud Threat Intelligence Services into their solutions. Webroot BrightCloud Threat Intelligence for IoT Gateways is available for embedded systems developers and systems integrators to address the growing new classes of IoT systems, such as connected automobiles, industrial automation, process control, aviation, railway, power management, and home energy management.
Learn more about Webroot’s offering here or download the datasheet here.
Manufacturers may be putting security on the back burner, but it can no longer be ignored, especially now that the government has admitted that connected things can be used to spy on people. If the government can do this, imagine the damage malicious entities can do with easy access to infrastructure containing sensitive information? One need not imagine. You just have to read the news to find out what hackers have recently done.
Webroot is not the only company putting effort into securing connected things. Earlier this year Nokia Corp. launched the NetGuard Security Management Center, a consolidated software platform that allows an operator to monitor and control all the multi-vendor security systems deployed across its telecommunications network.
And most recently, CyberPoint International LLC spun its IoT cloud gateway platform into a separate company called AKUA LLC. The new company will deal in logistics and the supply chain, areas where IoT can improve process efficiencies, control costs and lower security risks.