The enterprise is ready to move into the container world, where the modularized virtualization method eases the deploying and running of software apps in the cloud. Dealing with legacy systems and a lack of simplicity has been the main issue in getting there. This week at DockerCon17 in Austin, Texas, Docker Inc. announced that help is on the way to accelerate enterprise adoption for Docker, the software container platform.
“One of the things we’ve noticed is that more and more companies and enterprises have really started to use us more in scale; more in production, more apps. And one of the trends we’ve noticed is there is not just leading-edge development … but we are starting to see a more traditional app coming on board as well,” said Marianna Tessel (pictured), senior vice president of strategic development at Docker.
Tessel joined Stu Miniman (@stu) and James Kobielus (@jameskobielus), co-hosts of theCUBE, SiliconANGLE’s mobile live-streaming studio, during DockerCon. She addressed how the company is developing new programs while working with partners to help customers transition smoothly to containers. (* Disclosure below.)
Marianna Tessel, a favorite CUBE alum, this week is representing Women in Tech.
Noting that customers are looking for a way to use legacy apps in containers without going to extremes of rewriting code and moving to microservices — a method of developing scalable software systems — Tessel discussed how customers want to reap the benefits of “Dockerizing” and layering tools on top of the platform.
One way Docker is helping companies take legacy apps and modifying them is with its Modernized Traditional Application kit, part of the Docker Enterprise Edition (known as Docker EE), delivering an enterprise container management platform for developers and IT operations teams. The kit provides IT staff with the perks of containerize apps with built-in security and portability.
“What we came up with is a way for you to move from more traditional to the new. … What we are going to basically provide is a way for you to start seeing the benefits, taking a traditional app and within five days, you should be able to get in a modern state,” Tessel said.
Traditional apps generally have all functionality delivered in large, individual components. Microservices breaks up the application into individually deployable software systems. When using containers, the benefit of having microservices means that you can have different parts of the business concentrate on their core functions, while developers focus on programming. MTA allows the enterprise to move some traditional apps into containers, with the end goal being modernization, Tessel explained.
At DockerCon, Docker unveiled the Moby Project, “an open framework to assemble specialized container systems without reinventing the wheel.” The company refers to it as a “‘lego set” that will enable users to construct custom platforms from dozens of standard components.
When asked about the project having user-friendly interfaces that improve the customer experience, Tessel pointed out that for each project, Docker endeavors to understand and engage its audience in creating productive toolsets. The company is aware it needs to cater to several audiences, including developers, operations and the traditional IT function.
“One of the secret sauces of Docker is our user experiences. The way we make technology already available super accessible and super useful for developers and ops and users. So that is definitely something we have the DNA to do,” Tessel explained.
The company is building partnerships across the ecosystem to integrate and develop a full platform. Customers are seeking choice, and by working with Microsoft Azure, Oracle and others, Docker is constructing an entire stack.
Tessel’s goals for 2018 is to establish trust and respect with partners throughout the ecosystem, as well as working with customers to get optimal results.
Watch the complete video interview below, and be sure to check out more of SiliconANGLE’s and theCUBE’s independent editorial coverage of DockerCon US 2017 Austin. (* Disclosure: Docker Inc. sponsors some DockerCon segments on SiliconANGLE Media’s theCUBE. Neither Docker Inc. nor other sponsors have editorial control over content on theCUBE or SiliconANGLE.)